Yoloing the LSAT


Decided that I don't hate my free time quite enough yet. So after spending over a decade playing with technology and writing code for over half of it, figured I should try taking the LSAT and see how I do. And because we live in a world driven by content production, figured I'd blog the process. Head-logic says that I've built a career applying logic in a concrete implementation - writing code to build software, so I am hoping the skills translate over.

Test Format

The LSAT covers several broad categories of questions across four sections. Here's an overview of each section and the kinds of questions it includes:

  1. Logical Reasoning: This section consists of two parts, each containing approximately 24-26 multiple-choice questions. These questions assess your ability to analyze and evaluate arguments. The questions may be based on short passages, statements, or arguments, and may cover a range of topics. The questions are designed to test your ability to identify assumptions, evaluate evidence, identify flaws in reasoning, and draw logical conclusions.
  2. Analytical Reasoning: This section consists of four logic games, each with its own set of rules or conditions. The questions ask you to draw conclusions based on the given conditions and make deductions from those conclusions. The questions may cover a range of topics, including ordering, grouping, and matching.
  3. Reading Comprehension: This section consists of four sets of reading passages, each followed by a series of questions. The passages may be drawn from a variety of sources, including social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences. The questions may ask you to identify main ideas, draw inferences, analyze arguments, and evaluate evidence.
  4. Writing Sample: This section consists of a single prompt asking you to analyze an argument and provide a written response. The prompt presents a decision problem and two positions on the issue. You will be asked to choose one of the positions and provide reasons and examples to support your choice.

Logical Reasoning

One of the most important sections on the LSAT is the Logical Reasoning section, which accounts for 50% of your total score. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the Logical Reasoning section, providing you with an overview, tips, strategies, and techniques to help you maximize your performance on this crucial part of the exam.

Overview of the Logical Reasoning Section

The Logical Reasoning section consists of two parts, each containing 24-26 multiple-choice questions. These questions are designed to test your ability to analyze, evaluate, and complete arguments found in everyday language. You'll encounter a variety of question types, such as:

  • Assumption
  • Flaw
  • Inference
  • Strengthen/Weaken
  • Parallel Reasoning
  • Main Point

Each question presents a short passage, followed by a question stem and five answer choices. Your task is to select the best answer that responds to the question being asked.

Strategies for Approaching Logical Reasoning Questions

To excel in the Logical Reasoning section, keep these strategies in mind:

  • Read the question stem first: By reading the question stem before the passage, you'll know what to focus on while reading the argument, saving time and increasing your efficiency.
  • Break down the argument: Identify the conclusion, premise(s), and any assumptions made in the passage. This will help you better understand the argument's structure and make it easier to answer the question.
  • Eliminate incorrect answer choices: As you work through the answer choices, eliminate those that are clearly incorrect or irrelevant. This will help you narrow down your options and make it easier to identify the correct answer.
  • Don't overthink: The LSAT is designed to test your ability to reason logically, not your ability to memorize facts or apply specialized knowledge. Focus on the information presented in the passage and avoid making assumptions based on your own knowledge or experiences.

Techniques for Tackling Specific Question Types

Different question types require different approaches. Here are some techniques for tackling common Logical Reasoning question types:

  • Assumption: Identify the gap between the premise(s) and conclusion, and look for the answer choice that fills that gap.
  • Flaw: Determine the error in reasoning within the argument, and choose the answer that best describes that flaw.
  • Inference: Look for the answer that can be logically deduced from the information provided in the passage.
  • Strengthen/Weaken: Identify the conclusion and find the answer choice that either supports or undermines the argument.
  • Parallel Reasoning: Determine the structure of the argument and look for an answer choice that mirrors that structure.
  • Main Point: Identify the primary conclusion of the passage and select the answer that best summarizes it.

Analytical Reasoning

The Analytical Reasoning section, commonly known as the "Logic Games" section, is a unique and challenging part of the LSAT that tests your ability to understand and manipulate complex relationships. In this blog post, we'll delve into the Analytical Reasoning section, providing you with an overview, tips, strategies, and techniques to help you excel on this critical part of the exam.

Overview of the Analytical Reasoning Section

The Analytical Reasoning section consists of four logic games, each accompanied by 5-7 multiple-choice questions. These games require you to analyze complex relationships between various elements and apply logical rules to deduce new information. The games can be categorized into several types, such as:

  • Sequencing
  • Grouping
  • Matching
  • Hybrid (combining elements of other game types)

Each game begins with a scenario and a set of rules, followed by questions that require you to make deductions based on the given information.

Strategies for Approaching Analytical Reasoning Questions

To succeed in the Analytical Reasoning section, keep these strategies in mind:

  • Read the scenario and rules carefully: Understanding the rules and constraints is essential for solving logic games. Take the time to read and comprehend the given information before attempting the questions.
  • Create a diagram: Visual representations can help you better understand the relationships and rules in a logic game. Use a consistent notation system and update your diagram as you progress through the questions.
  • Make inferences: Look for deductions that can be made based on the rules and constraints. These inferences will often help you answer questions more efficiently.
  • Work systematically: Tackle the questions in order, as the information you gather from earlier questions may help you solve later ones more efficiently.

Techniques for Tackling Specific Game Types

Different game types require different approaches. Here are some techniques for tackling common Analytical Reasoning game types:

  • Sequencing: Create a linear diagram to represent the order of events or elements. Use the rules to identify constraints and make inferences about the relative positions of elements.
  • Grouping: Create a grid or chart to represent the groups and their members. Use the rules to determine which elements can or cannot be placed in specific groups.
  • Matching: Create a table or matrix to represent the relationships between elements. Use the rules to identify patterns and make inferences about possible matches.
  • Hybrid: For games that combine elements of other game types, create a diagram that incorporates the relevant aspects of each type. Be prepared to adapt your approach as needed based on the specific characteristics of the game.

Reading Comprehension

The Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT tests your ability to read, understand, and analyze complex passages on a variety of topics. In this blog post, we'll explore the Reading Comprehension section in depth, offering you an overview, tips, strategies, and techniques to help you excel in this important part of the exam.

Overview of the Reading Comprehension Section

The Reading Comprehension section consists of four passages, each followed by 5-8 multiple-choice questions. The passages cover a wide range of subjects, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and law-related topics. The questions assess your ability to:

  • Identify main ideas and supporting details
  • Draw inferences from the text
  • Understand the author's tone, purpose, and perspective
  • Analyze the structure and organization of the passage
  • Evaluate arguments and reasoning

Strategies for Approaching Reading Comprehension Questions

To succeed in the Reading Comprehension section, keep these strategies in mind:

  • Read actively: Engage with the passage by asking questions, making predictions, and identifying main ideas as you read. This will help you better retain information and answer questions more efficiently.
  • Annotate the passage: Take brief notes or underline key points to help you locate important information when answering questions. This can also aid in understanding the overall structure and organization of the passage.
  • Pace yourself: Allocate your time wisely to ensure you can read all four passages and answer their accompanying questions. Keep track of your progress and adjust your pacing as needed.
  • Process of elimination: Use the process of elimination to narrow down your answer choices, especially when you're unsure of the correct answer. Eliminating incorrect options can increase your chances of selecting the right answer.

Techniques for Tackling Specific Question Types

Different question types in the Reading Comprehension section require different approaches. Here are some techniques for tackling common question types:

  • Main Idea: Focus on the passage's thesis, topic sentences, and conclusion to identify the central theme or argument.
  • Supporting Details: Locate specific examples, facts, or explanations within the passage that support the main idea or an argument.
  • Inferences: Use the information provided in the passage to make logical deductions about the author's perspective, implications, or unstated assumptions.
  • Tone, Purpose, and Perspective: Pay attention to the author's choice of words, phrasing, and rhetorical devices to determine their attitude, objective, or point of view.
  • Structure and Organization: Analyze the passage's layout, paragraph structure, and transitions to understand the relationship between ideas and the overall organization of the text.
  • Argument Evaluation: Identify the author's claims, evidence, and reasoning to assess the strength, validity, or persuasiveness of an argument.

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