The Secrets of Khyber: Unraveling the Mysteries Beneath Sharn


In the fascinating and complex world of Eberron, there exists a realm that remains largely unexplored and enshrouded in darkness, a place where the very fabric of reality is twisted and warped by the forces that reside within. This vast, subterranean expanse, known as Khyber, stretches beneath the surface of the continent, hiding ancient evils, terrifying creatures, and long-lost secrets waiting to be uncovered by the brave or the foolhardy. As we embark on a perilous journey into the depths of Khyber, we invite you to accompany us on a journey filled with danger, intrigue, and the promise of untold discoveries.

In this comprehensive post, we will delve into the rich lore and legends that surround the enigmatic realm of Khyber, exploring the intricate network of labyrinthine tunnels that span the entire continent. We will discuss the numerous entrances that connect Khyber to the world above, as well as the guardians and magical wards that have been placed to protect these entrances, ensuring that the darkness that lurks within remains hidden from the unsuspecting inhabitants of Eberron.

We will also delve into the varied and treacherous environments that can be found within Khyber, from the eerie Sunless Grove to the chilling Vault of Shadows and the mysterious Abyssal Nexus. Along the way, we will introduce you to the denizens of this dark realm, the powerful entities that call Khyber home, and the myriad dangers that adventurers may face as they explore its depths.

Finally, we will provide you with a selection of adventure hooks and quests, designed to inspire and challenge both Dungeon Masters and players alike, as they embark on their own daring expeditions into the heart of Khyber.

So, gather your party, prepare your spells, and steel your nerves for the thrilling and dangerous adventure that lies ahead, as we descend into the dark and enigmatic depths of Khyber in search of the secrets that it jealously guards.

I. The Entrance to Khyber


In the heart of Sharn, the City of Towers, there are several hidden entrances that lead to the dark depths of Khyber, the Dragon Below. These entrances are concealed within the city's labyrinthine structure, and only a select few know of their existence. Here, we will elaborate on two of the most prominent entrances to Khyber from Sharn.

Keep in mind that in both cases, these entrances to Khyber are closely guarded secrets, their locations known to only a select few within Sharn. Those who seek to explore the depths of Khyber must first gain the trust and knowledge of those who hold the keys to these ancient, hidden passages. And even then, the dangers that lurk within the Dragon Below may prove far more perilous than any threat found in the bustling city above.

1. The Forgotten Caverns beneath Khyber's Gate

Located deep within the seedy district of Khyber's Gate, a network of long-forgotten caverns provides one of the most direct and treacherous routes to the heart of Khyber. The entrance to these caverns is concealed in an old, abandoned building, its walls etched with ancient glyphs that serve as a warning to the uninitiated.

Once past the hidden entrance, adventurers will find themselves in a vast, dark cavern filled with eerie echoes and the distant sounds of dripping water. The caverns are riddled with narrow tunnels, some leading to dead ends, while others lead deeper into Khyber. As one ventures deeper into the caverns, the air grows colder, and the sense of foreboding intensifies.

2. The Shadowed Depths of the Lower Central Plateau

Deep within the bowels of Sharn's Lower Central Plateau lies another entrance to Khyber, known only to a handful of intrepid explorers and shadowy organizations. This entrance is hidden beneath an ancient, crumbling tower, its darkened halls and chambers protected by powerful magical wards and spectral guardians.

To access this entrance, one must first navigate the treacherous ruins of the tower, avoiding or overcoming its numerous traps and hazards. Once inside the entrance, a steep, winding staircase leads downward into the inky blackness of Khyber. The further one descends, the more oppressive the darkness becomes, as if the very shadows themselves are trying to consume those who dare to tread this forbidden path.

Guardians and Wards:

The entrances to Khyber from Sharn are closely guarded by a combination of powerful wards and formidable guardians. These magical and physical protections serve to deter would-be intruders and prevent the horrors of Khyber from breaching the surface world. Here, we will elaborate on some of the guardians and wards one might encounter at the entrances to Khyber.

To overcome these guardians and wards, adventurers must rely on their wits, their magical prowess, and their combat abilities. In some cases, gaining the trust and assistance of those who know the secrets of the entrances may be the only way to bypass these formidable defenses and delve into the depths of Khyber.

1. Magical Wards

Both entrances to Khyber are protected by a series of potent magical wards, designed to keep out unwelcome visitors and to maintain the secrecy of the passages. Some of the magical wards include:

  • Glyphs of Warding: These arcane symbols are etched into the walls, floors, and ceilings of the entrance chambers. When triggered, they can release powerful spells, such as fireball or hold person, causing significant damage or incapacitating intruders.
  • Alarm Spells: These spells are placed on the entrance doors and passageways, alerting the guardians or a designated individual when someone enters the warded area without permission.
  • Illusion Magic: Various illusion spells are employed to hide the entrances and make them appear as ordinary walls, floors, or ceilings. Only those with the proper knowledge can see through these illusions and gain access to the hidden passages.

2. Guardians

In addition to magical wards, the entrances to Khyber are guarded by formidable creatures and constructs, which have been bound to their posts through powerful enchantments or other means. Some examples of these guardians include:

  • Spectral Guardians: Ethereal beings, such as wraiths or banshees, may haunt the entrance chambers, attacking any who dare to trespass. They can be particularly difficult to overcome due to their incorporeal nature and resistance to mundane weapons.
  • Elemental Guardians: Powerful elementals, such as earth or fire elementals, may be bound to the entrances, using their formidable abilities to repel intruders. These guardians may be summoned by the triggering of specific wards or may be permanently present, waiting for unwelcome visitors.
  • Constructs: Golems or other magical constructs, such as shield guardians or helmed horrors, can be employed to protect the entrances. These constructs are often immune to many forms of magic and can be incredibly resilient, making them difficult to bypass.

Lores and Legends

The entrance to Khyber beneath Sharn has long been a source of intrigue, fear, and fascination for the city's inhabitants. Over the centuries, numerous legends and stories have sprung up around this mysterious portal to the underworld, and the secrets it may hold. Here are some of the most well-known and intriguing tales related to the entrance to Khyber.

Remember that these are just a few of the many stories and legends surrounding the entrance to Khyber beneath Sharn. Whether these tales are rooted in truth or mere flights of fancy, they serve as a reminder of the danger, mystery, and allure that Khyber holds for those brave or foolish enough to venture into its depths.

1. The Legend of the Lost Expedition

A popular tale among the citizens of Sharn speaks of a daring group of adventurers who, several decades ago, ventured into the depths of Khyber in search of ancient treasures and powerful artifacts. The group was led by a renowned explorer named Valaera d'Lyrandar, who had discovered a previously unknown entrance to Khyber. Despite the warnings of the city's elders, Valaera and her companions descended into the dark depths, never to be seen again. Some believe their spirits still haunt the entrance, serving as a grim reminder of the dangers that lurk within Khyber.

2. The Sleeping Serpent

One of the oldest legends surrounding the entrance to Khyber tells of a colossal serpent, bound in magical chains and slumbering beneath the city of Sharn. It is said that the serpent, an ancient and powerful entity, was imprisoned there by the dragons and couatl during the Age of Demons. The legend states that if the serpent were to awaken, it would bring about the end of the world. Some believe that the entrance to Khyber is a gateway to this sleeping serpent's lair and that those who venture too deep may inadvertently awaken the beast.

3. The City of Secrets

A more recent story circulating among the scholars of Morgrave University speaks of a hidden city deep within Khyber, accessible only through the entrance beneath Sharn. This city, known as Xalanthar, is said to be a treasure trove of ancient knowledge and powerful artifacts, guarded by fearsome creatures and deadly traps. While many dismiss the tale as mere fantasy, a few daring souls have attempted to find Xalanthar, driven by their thirst for knowledge and the promise of untold riches.

4. The Battle of the Breach

Historical accounts tell of a great battle that took place near the entrance to Khyber during the Last War. In an attempt to gain control of the strategic location and the power rumored to lie within, two rival nations clashed in a fierce and bloody confrontation. The battle raged for days, with neither side gaining the upper hand until a powerful and mysterious force erupted from the entrance to Khyber, decimating both armies and putting an end to the conflict. The area around the entrance has since been considered cursed, and few dare to tread near it.

The Labyrinthine Tunnels

The labyrinthine tunnels beneath Sharn, leading to the depths of Khyber, are a complex and ever-shifting network of passages, caverns, and subterranean chambers. Formed by millennia of geological activity and shaped by countless unknown forces, these tunnels present a daunting and treacherous challenge for anyone seeking to explore Khyber.

Geomorphology and Ecology

The tunnels' geological features are a bewildering mix of natural formations and seemingly artificial structures. One may find stalactites and stalagmites, crystal-filled caverns, and underground lakes alongside ancient stone bridges, intricate carvings, and even remnants of long-lost cities. The labyrinth's ecology is similarly diverse, with bioluminescent fungi and hardy plants providing a meager source of light and nourishment for the strange and deadly creatures that dwell within.

Inhabitants and Dangers

The labyrinthine tunnels are home to a vast array of monstrous denizens, many of which are native to Khyber or have been drawn to the dark depths by its malign influence. Aberrations, fiends, and other creatures of darkness roam the tunnels, as well as formidable beasts such as cave bears, hook horrors, and deadly oozes. These dangers are compounded by the myriad traps and environmental hazards that litter the passages, ranging from pitfalls and cave-ins to toxic fumes and magical wards.

Mysterious Forces and Phenomena

The labyrinthine tunnels are infused with the raw, chaotic power of Khyber, which manifests in various ways throughout the network. Magical surges and wild zones can alter the fabric of reality within the tunnels, causing spatial distortions, temporal anomalies, and other strange phenomena. In some areas, the walls themselves may appear to shift and change, making navigation all but impossible without the aid of powerful divination magic or a guide well-versed in the labyrinth's secrets.

Lost Treasures and Ancient Secrets

Despite the many perils that await within the labyrinthine tunnels, brave or foolhardy adventurers may find themselves enticed by the promise of lost treasures and forgotten knowledge. Ancient relics, powerful artifacts, and magical secrets can be found hidden away in the depths of Khyber, guarded by fearsome guardians and deadly traps. Those who succeed in navigating the treacherous tunnels and overcoming their challenges may emerge with riches and power beyond their wildest dreams, though many more will find only darkness and despair.

Notable Locations

These notable locations within the labyrinthine tunnels beneath Sharn offer a wide variety of challenges, rewards, and opportunities for adventure. Whether seeking hidden treasures, ancient knowledge, or simply the thrill of exploration, brave adventurers who delve into the depths of Khyber will find no shortage of wonders and perils awaiting them.

The Gate of Shadows

This ancient and imposing stone archway is rumored to be one of the few stable entrances to the labyrinthine tunnels beneath Sharn. The Gate of Shadows is covered in intricate, otherworldly carvings that seem to shift and change when viewed from different angles. Its exact location is a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few who have been entrusted with the task of monitoring and protecting the entrance to Khyber.

The Crystal Caverns

A stunning subterranean wonder, the Crystal Caverns are a vast network of interconnected chambers filled with countless shimmering, multicolored crystals. The crystals are said to possess various magical properties, and their beauty has lured many an explorer to their doom, as the caverns are also home to dangerous creatures drawn to the magical energies within.

The Black Lake

This immense underground lake is as dark and forbidding as its name suggests. Its black, inky waters are home to monstrous aquatic creatures and rumored to conceal untold treasures and ancient secrets. Some legends even suggest that the lake may serve as a gateway to the deeper reaches of Khyber, though none have returned to confirm this theory.

The Ruins of Xul'Nareth

Deep within the labyrinthine tunnels lies the crumbling remains of an ancient, subterranean city. The ruins of Xul'Nareth are said to be haunted by the spirits of its long-dead inhabitants, as well as a host of more sinister beings that have taken up residence in the forsaken city. Explorers who have ventured into the ruins speak of strange magical phenomena, powerful relics, and deadly traps guarding the secrets of the fallen city.

The Whispering Caverns

A series of narrow, twisting passages characterized by an eerie, constant whispering sound that seems to emanate from the very walls themselves. Some believe that the voices are those of lost souls trapped within the caverns, while others claim that they are the sinister whispers of Khyber itself. The caverns are known to have a disorienting, maddening effect on those who spend too long within them, and many have gone in never to return.

The Sunless Grove

Hidden deep within the labyrinthine tunnels beneath Sharn lies the Sunless Grove, a sprawling underground forest that has never seen the light of day. The vegetation here has adapted to the darkness, glowing with a faint, eerie luminescence that casts an otherworldly light upon the twisted, gnarled trees and strange, exotic plants that call this place home. The Sunless Grove is inhabited by a variety of nocturnal and magical creatures, some of which are unique to this subterranean environment. Intrepid adventurers who venture into the grove may discover rare, powerful botanical specimens and magical reagents, but they should also be wary of the many dangers lurking in the shadows.

The Vault of Shadows

This ancient, sealed chamber is said to contain a wealth of forbidden knowledge and dark secrets that were locked away to protect the world from their corrupting influence. The Vault of Shadows is guarded by powerful wards and formidable guardians, and those who seek to breach its defenses must be prepared to face deadly challenges and terrifying adversaries. The rewards for those who can overcome these obstacles are great, but the consequences of unleashing the darkness contained within the vault could be dire.

The Abyssal Nexus

A place where the boundaries between the material world and the infinite layers of the Abyss have grown thin, the Abyssal Nexus is a swirling vortex of chaos and dark energy that threatens to engulf all that it touches. Demonic creatures are drawn to the nexus, seeking to use its power to further their own nefarious ends, and the area surrounding it has become a battleground between these fiendish invaders and the brave heroes who stand against them. Delving into the Abyssal Nexus is a perilous undertaking, but those who can survive its dangers may be able to harness the chaotic energies within and turn them against the forces of darkness.

Adventure Hooks and Quests

The Missing Expedition

A group of Morgrave University researchers led by the renowned archaeologist, Professor Jaraak d'Velderan, has gone missing while exploring the depths of Khyber in search of the fabled Sunless Grove. The players are hired by the university to venture into the dark and dangerous tunnels beneath Sharn, locate the missing researchers, and discover the secrets of the Sunless Grove. Along the way, they must contend with treacherous terrain, hostile denizens of the deep, and a rival group of adventurers who seek the grove's treasures for themselves.

The Dark Prophecy

An ancient prophecy foretells the return of a powerful demon lord, whose awakening would spell doom for Sharn and the entire world. The players learn of a sinister cult dedicated to bringing about this dark prophecy by performing a ritual in the heart of the Abyssal Nexus. In order to prevent the cult from completing their ritual, the players must delve into the depths of Khyber, battle demonic forces, and unravel the mysteries of the Abyssal Nexus before it's too late. Along the way, they may forge alliances with other factions who share their goal, discover powerful artifacts that could turn the tide in their favor, and confront the cult's enigmatic leader.

The Lost City

Rumors have surfaced of a lost Dhakaani city, Gorshaal-Daal, hidden deep within the labyrinthine tunnels of Khyber. According to legend, this ancient city holds a powerful artifact, the Ghaal'dar Crown, which could tip the balance of power in the region. The players are approached by a mysterious patron who offers them a substantial reward for locating the city and retrieving the crown. As they navigate the treacherous depths of Khyber in search of Gorshaal-Daal, the players must contend with rival factions seeking the crown, the city's ancient defenses, and the restless spirits of the Dhakaani warriors who once called it home.


As we conclude our journey through the mysterious and treacherous realm of Khyber, it is our hope that you now have a deeper understanding and appreciation for the rich lore, legendary tales, and diverse environments that make up this enigmatic subterranean world. From the labyrinthine tunnels and hidden entrances to the ancient evils and powerful entities that reside within, Khyber offers a wealth of opportunities for exploration, danger, and discovery.

In the adventure hooks and quests provided, we aimed to inspire and challenge both Dungeon Masters and players alike, offering a glimpse of the many stories and encounters that can be woven into your own campaigns as you venture into the heart of Khyber. Remember that the world of Eberron is as vast as it is complex, and the realm of Khyber is but one piece of the intricate tapestry that makes up this fascinating setting.

As you return to the surface world, equipped with newfound knowledge and a sense of awe for the secrets that lie hidden beneath your feet, we encourage you to take the lessons and experiences you've gained in Khyber and apply them to your future adventures in Eberron. Whether you choose to delve deeper into the realm of Khyber or set your sights on new horizons, the world of Eberron offers endless possibilities for intrigue, excitement, and memorable stories that will stay with you long after your journey has come to an end.

So, as we bid farewell to the dark depths of Khyber, we wish you luck, courage, and boundless imagination in your future adventures, both within the world of Eberron and beyond. May the tales you create be as thrilling and unforgettable as the realm of Khyber itself.

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