Sharn Unveiled: A Concise Guide to the City of Towers


Welcome to Sharn, the City of Towers, a bustling metropolis in the heart of Eberron, teeming with intrigue, magic, and adventure. This guide aims to provide you with essential information about notable places, prominent figures, and exciting activities in Sharn to make your stay unforgettable.

Districts and Wards

Sharn is divided into several districts and wards, each with its unique character and attractions. Here's a brief overview of some key districts and wards:

Upper Central Plateau

The Upper Central Plateau is the prestigious heart of Sharn, where the city's elite reside and conduct business. It is known for its luxurious architecture, high-end shopping districts, and exclusive entertainment venues. The Upper Central Plateau is divided into several wards, each with its own distinct character and attractions.


Floating majestically above the rest of the city, Skyway is an upscale residential and commercial district that boasts breathtaking views and unrivaled luxury. The district is home to the wealthiest citizens of Sharn, including nobles, successful merchants, and influential members of dragonmarked houses. It features opulent mansions, elegant gardens, and exclusive clubs catering to the city's elite.

Menthis Plateau

Menthis Plateau is an intellectual and cultural hub, housing Morgrave University and various other centers of learning and research. The ward is home to scholars, sages, and artists, creating a lively atmosphere of creativity and innovation. Menthis Plateau also features a vibrant entertainment district, with theaters, galleries, and music halls showcasing the city's finest artistic talent.

Upper Tavick's Landing

Upper Tavick's Landing is a thriving commercial district, offering a wide range of high-end shops, fine dining establishments, and luxurious accommodations. The ward attracts affluent visitors from across Khorvaire, drawn by its reputation for quality and exclusivity. Upper Tavick's Landing is also home to several prominent guilds and dragonmarked houses, making it an important center of trade and commerce.

Upper Northedge

Upper Northedge is a primarily residential area, housing many of Sharn's upper-class citizens. The ward is known for its grand villas, manicured gardens, and quiet, tree-lined streets, offering a peaceful retreat from the bustling city center. Upper Northedge is also home to several prestigious private academies, catering to the children of Sharn's elite.

Upper Dura

Upper Dura is a diverse and vibrant ward, featuring a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational areas. The ward is home to a variety of races and social classes, creating a unique and dynamic atmosphere. Upper Dura is known for its lively markets, bustling taverns, and popular entertainment venues, attracting visitors from across the city.

Middle Central Plateau

The Middle Central Plateau is the bustling heart of Sharn, where commerce, trade, and day-to-day life converge. The districts within this plateau are a diverse mix of residential, commercial, and industrial areas, catering to a wide range of citizens and visitors. Here, the city's middle and upper-middle classes reside and work, making it an essential part of Sharn's thriving economy and vibrant culture.

Middle Menthis Plateau

Middle Menthis Plateau is a lively district known for its entertainment, education, and cultural offerings. In addition to Morgrave University, the area is home to numerous other schools, libraries, and museums, making it a hub of intellectual activity. Theaters, galleries, and other cultural venues can also be found here, reflecting Sharn's rich artistic heritage.

Middle Tavick's Landing

Middle Tavick's Landing is a bustling commercial and residential district. It hosts a wide range of businesses, from shops and markets to inns and taverns. The area caters to both locals and visitors, making it an essential stop for travelers seeking supplies or a comfortable place to rest. Middle Tavick's Landing is also home to several important guild halls and offices of dragonmarked houses.

Middle Northedge

Middle Northedge is a primarily residential district, housing a diverse range of citizens, from working professionals to skilled artisans. The area features a variety of housing options, including townhouses, apartments, and small villas. Middle Northedge is also home to several parks and green spaces, providing residents with a welcome respite from the city's hustle and bustle.

Middle Dura

Middle Dura is a mixed-use district that encompasses residential, commercial, and light industrial areas. The district is known for its vibrant markets, where merchants and traders from across the city come to buy and sell their goods. In addition, Middle Dura is home to various workshops, smithies, and other businesses, contributing to Sharn's thriving economy.


Cliffside is a unique district located on the cliffs overlooking the Dagger River. It is known for its dramatic views and distinctive architecture, with buildings carved directly into the rock face. Cliffside is home to a mix of artisans, laborers, and adventurers, creating a lively and diverse atmosphere. The district also features several popular inns and taverns that cater to travelers and thrill-seekers.

Lower Central Plateau

The Lower Central Plateau of Sharn is a rougher, grittier part of the city, where life can be challenging for its inhabitants. Often overshadowed by the more affluent and glamorous districts above, the Lower Central Plateau still plays a vital role in Sharn's daily life. It is home to the city's working class, as well as numerous industries, businesses, and services that keep Sharn running.

Lower Menthis Plateau

Lower Menthis Plateau is a diverse district that features a mix of residential, commercial, and light industrial areas. It is home to many of the city's working-class citizens, as well as a thriving market district where local merchants and traders sell their wares. The district has a reputation for being somewhat rough around the edges, but it remains an essential part of Sharn's economy and culture.

Lower Tavick's Landing

Lower Tavick's Landing is a primarily industrial district, with numerous factories, foundries, and warehouses lining its streets. The area is known for its bustling activity and the constant movement of goods and laborers. Despite the noise, pollution, and grime, Lower Tavick's Landing is a critical part of Sharn's economy, providing jobs and resources for the city's population.

Lower Northedge

Lower Northedge is a working-class residential district with a strong sense of community. The area is characterized by its modest homes, tenements, and apartment buildings, which house many of Sharn's laborers, artisans, and service workers. Lower Northedge is also home to several small parks and community spaces, which provide a welcome escape from the city's hectic pace.

Lower Dura

Lower Dura is an economically challenged district with a reputation for its high crime rate and tough, resilient residents. The area is home to a mix of low-income housing, seedy taverns, and black market operations, making it a rough-and-tumble part of Sharn. However, amid the grit and grime, Lower Dura also harbors pockets of vibrant community life and a strong sense of camaraderie among its inhabitants.

The Cogs

The Cogs, located beneath the Lower Central Plateau, is the industrial heart of Sharn. This subterranean district is home to numerous forges, foundries, and factories, as well as the city's bound elemental power sources. The Cogs are known for their harsh working conditions and the constant heat and noise generated by the industry. Many of the city's laborers and workers live in The Cogs, enduring the difficult environment in order to make a living.


Khyber's Gate

Khyber's Gate is a notorious district located in the Lower Central Plateau of Sharn, specifically within Lower Dura. Known for its dangerous reputation and underworld connections, Khyber's Gate is a place where the city's darker elements come to the forefront. The district is named after Khyber, the Dragon Below, which is associated with darkness, evil, and the underworld in the mythology of Eberron.

The Labyrinth

At the heart of Khyber's Gate lies the Labyrinth, a twisted network of tunnels and caverns that lead deep into the depths of Khyber, the underworld of Eberron. The Labyrinth is home to various nefarious creatures, from aberrations and criminals to other beings that thrive in the darkness. Explorers and adventurers often venture into the Labyrinth seeking treasures and secrets, but many never return, lost to the dangerous and treacherous paths below.

The Bazaar of the Bizarre

Khyber's Gate hosts the infamous Bazaar of the Bizarre, a black market where all manner of illicit goods and services can be bought and sold. From stolen magical items and illegal substances to the services of assassins and information brokers, the Bazaar of the Bizarre caters to those who are willing to delve into the city's underworld. While it is a place of danger and intrigue, it also presents opportunities for those who know how to navigate its shadowy alleys and deals.

Goblinoid Community

Khyber's Gate is also home to a large goblinoid community, consisting of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears who have made their home in this rough-and-tumble part of Sharn. Many of these residents are descendants of the Dhakaani Empire and have formed their own subculture within the city. Despite facing prejudice and discrimination, the goblinoids of Khyber's Gate have established a strong sense of community and have adapted to life in the city.

Daask Presence

The criminal organization known as Daask has a strong presence in Khyber's Gate, with many of its members hailing from the goblinoid community. Daask operates various illegal enterprises throughout the district, including protection rackets, smuggling operations, and underground fighting rings. The organization is a force to be reckoned with, and its influence can be felt throughout Khyber's Gate and beyond.

Notable Locations

Morgrave University

Morgrave University is a renowned institution of higher learning located in the Upper Menthis Plateau of Sharn. Established in 738 YK by Lord Lareth ir'Morgrave, the university is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the study of ancient cultures, artifacts, and magic. It attracts scholars, researchers, and students from across Khorvaire, who come to study under its esteemed faculty and access its vast collection of books and artifacts.

Notable features of Morgrave University include:

  • Lareth Hall: The main administrative building of the university, housing the offices of the Chancellor and other high-ranking faculty members.
  • The Morgrave Museum: A renowned museum showcasing ancient artifacts, relics, and treasures from across Eberron, including some recovered from the depths of Xen'drik.
  • The Library of Korranberg Annex: An extensive library containing a vast collection of books, scrolls, and manuscripts on various subjects, including history, magic, and the planes.
  • Morgrave's Arcane Academy: A prestigious school within the university, dedicated to the study and practice of arcane magic and the training of powerful spellcasters.
  • The Alchemy and Artifice Laboratories: Advanced facilities for the study and experimentation of alchemy, artifice, and magical item creation.

The Lightning Rail Station

The Lightning Rail Station, located in the Central Plateau of Sharn, is the city's central hub for travel to and from other locations across Khorvaire. Operated by House Orien, the Lightning Rail is a network of high-speed trains powered by bound elemental forces, providing a fast and efficient means of transportation.

Key features of the Lightning Rail Station include:

  • The Arrival and Departure Platforms: The central area where passengers board and disembark from the lightning rail trains, bustling with activity as travelers arrive and depart.
  • The Ticketing and Information Center: A busy hub where passengers can purchase tickets, inquire about train schedules, and obtain information about travel destinations.
  • House Orien Offices: The headquarters of House Orien's operations within Sharn, where they oversee the Lightning Rail network and coordinate transportation services throughout the city.
  • The Wayfinder's Foundation Office: An office dedicated to the Wayfinder's Foundation, a group of explorers and cartographers who seek to map and document the uncharted regions of Eberron. The office provides information on expeditions and opportunities for adventurers.
  • Restaurants and Shops: A variety of establishments catering to travelers' needs, offering food, beverages, and souvenirs, as well as services such as luggage storage and currency exchange.


Skyway is an exclusive district of Sharn, floating high above the city, and is home to the wealthiest and most influential citizens. It offers unparalleled views and luxurious accommodations, along with upscale shops and restaurants.

  • The Sovereign Towers: A series of opulent residential towers, housing the city's elite and offering extravagant living spaces with stunning views of Sharn.
  • Cloudskate Park: An elegant park featuring beautiful gardens, ornate sculptures, and a magical "cloudskate" rink where visitors can glide effortlessly through the air.
  • The Pinnacle: A high-end restaurant and lounge, offering exquisite cuisine and panoramic views of the city from its rooftop terrace.

The Cogs

The Cogs are the industrial heart of Sharn, located deep beneath the city's surface. This labyrinthine network of tunnels, foundries, and workshops is home to many of the city's laborers and skilled workers.

  • Ashblack Foundry: One of the largest and most productive foundries in Sharn, responsible for forging much of the city's metalworks and machinery.
  • The Red Hammer: A popular tavern and gathering place for workers in the Cogs, known for its hearty food, strong drinks, and lively atmosphere.
  • The Lava Tubes: A network of natural tunnels and chambers that channel lava flows beneath the city, providing heat and power to the foundries and workshops above.

The Bazaar

The Bazaar, located in the Middle Dura district, is a bustling marketplace offering goods and services from all corners of Khorvaire. It is a melting pot of cultures, where merchants and shoppers haggle over exotic wares and adventurers can find anything they need – for the right price.

  • Tavick's Market: The largest open-air market in Sharn, offering a dizzying array of goods, from food and clothing to magical items and rare artifacts.
  • The Sivis Message Station: A House Sivis-operated message station where visitors can send and receive messages via the speaking stones or access other communication services.
  • The Adventurers' Guild: A gathering place and resource center for adventurers in Sharn, offering job boards, equipment rentals, and connections to potential patrons.

Prominent Figures

Caden d'Cannith

Caden d'Cannith is a brilliant artificer and a high-ranking member of House Cannith, the dragonmarked house responsible for the creation of the Warforged and many other magical innovations. Born into the house's prestigious lineage, Caden has always been driven by a desire to push the boundaries of magical technology and make a lasting impact on the world.

His workshop in Sharn is a marvel of engineering, filled with cutting-edge inventions, experimental prototypes, and a team of dedicated apprentices. Caden is known for his charismatic personality and strong leadership skills, which have helped him earn the respect of his peers and the admiration of aspiring artificers.

In addition to his work with House Cannith, Caden has been known to collaborate with Morgrave University on research projects and occasionally offers guest lectures to share his expertise. His involvement in Sharn's community extends beyond his professional pursuits, as he is also an active patron of the arts and a generous contributor to charitable causes.

Lady Elaydren d'Vown

Lady Elaydren d'Vown is a distinguished member of House Cannith and a powerful force in Sharn's political landscape. As a scion of the house's leadership, she has been groomed for success from a young age and has risen through the ranks to become a respected and influential figure in the city.

Lady Elaydren is known for her keen intellect and strong diplomatic skills, as well as her ability to navigate the complex web of alliances and rivalries that define Sharn's political scene. She is an expert in negotiation and strategy, often serving as a mediator between the city's various factions and working behind the scenes to shape policies and outcomes to her advantage.

Despite her political ambitions, Lady Elaydren remains deeply committed to the ideals of House Cannith and the advancement of magical technology. She is a patron of Morgrave University, providing funding for research initiatives and supporting the development of promising students. Her vision for Sharn is one of prosperity and progress, driven by the power of arcane innovation and the potential of its people.

Sava Kharisa

Sava Kharisa is the renowned dean of Morgrave University. A skilled wizard and accomplished scholar, she has dedicated her life to the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of magical understanding. Under her leadership, Morgrave University has flourished, attracting students and faculty from across Khorvaire and beyond.

Sava is known for her wisdom and commitment to the well-being of her students and staff, often going above and beyond to ensure their success. She is also an advocate for the responsible use of magic and champions the idea that arcane knowledge should be shared for the betterment of all.

Captain Jakar ir'Tain

Captain Jakar ir'Tain is the commander of the Sharn City Watch, responsible for maintaining law and order within the sprawling metropolis. A seasoned veteran and skilled tactician, he leads his force with unwavering dedication and an unwavering commitment to justice.

Jakar is known for his integrity and even-handed approach to law enforcement, earning the respect of both his officers and the citizens of Sharn. He is often seen patrolling the streets, engaging with the community, and working tirelessly to make the city a safer place for all.

Maelis d'Tharashk

Maelis d'Tharashk is a prominent member of House Tharashk, the dragonmarked house known for its expertise in locating and extracting dragonshards. As a successful entrepreneur and skilled inquisitive, Maelis has made a name for herself in Sharn's business community and has become a respected figure in the city.

Her network of contacts and extensive knowledge of Sharn's underworld have made her an invaluable resource for those seeking information or assistance. Maelis is also known for her philanthropic endeavors, providing support to various charitable organizations and funding projects that aim to improve the lives of Sharn's less fortunate residents.

Lyrandar Stormcaller

Lyrandar Stormcaller is a talented airship captain and a member of House Lyrandar, the dragonmarked house responsible for the creation and operation of airships. With his charismatic personality and unmatched skill at the helm, Lyrandar has earned a reputation as one of the finest airship captains in all of Khorvaire.

Based in Sharn, Lyrandar Stormcaller is often seen navigating the skies above the city, ferrying passengers and cargo between the towering spires. He is also an accomplished adventurer, frequently taking on daring missions and exploring the farthest reaches of Eberron in search of new discoveries and untold riches.

Things to Do

Ride the Skycoaches

As the City of Towers, Sharn's vertical landscape offers a unique mode of transportation: the Skycoaches. These magical vehicles, powered by bound elemental forces, offer a thrilling and efficient way to navigate the city's towering spires and dizzying heights. Riding a Skycoach offers not only convenience but also a breathtaking view of Sharn's magnificent skyline, with its ever-changing panorama of soaring towers, cascading waterfalls, and bustling skybridges. As you glide through the air, you'll witness a kaleidoscope of architectural styles and magical innovations, reflecting the city's rich history and diverse inhabitants. A Skycoach ride also presents opportunities for chance encounters with intriguing passengers, unexpected detours to hidden destinations, or even daring aerial pursuits through the city's vertiginous canyons. Whether you're a first-time visitor to Sharn or a seasoned resident, a ride on a Skycoach is an exhilarating experience that showcases the city's boundless energy and limitless potential.

Wander the Bazaar of the Bizarre

Sharn is a city of wonders, where the fantastic and the strange collide in an ever-shifting tapestry of sights, sounds, and sensations. The Bazaar of the Bizarre is a prime example of this, a sprawling marketplace that offers an unparalleled array of goods and services. From exotic spices and rare magical ingredients to enchanted trinkets and arcane relics, the Bazaar is a treasure trove for the curious and the adventurous. As you meander through its labyrinthine alleys and bustling stalls, you'll encounter a diverse cast of vendors, performers, and fortune-tellers, each with their own stories and secrets to share. Navigating the Bazaar can be as much a test of wit and negotiation as it is a sensory delight, with opportunities to haggle for hidden gems, uncover secret deals, or engage in impromptu games of chance. A visit to the Bazaar of the Bizarre is an experience that lingers long in the memory, leaving visitors with a sense of awe, wonder, and the inescapable feeling that anything is possible in Sharn.

Explore the Depths

Beneath the towering spires of Sharn lie ancient ruins and mysterious caverns, remnants of the city's layered history and the world of Khyber below. These depths are a treasure trove of hidden artifacts, forgotten lore, and powerful relics waiting to be discovered. Adventurers who dare to delve into these shadowy realms may encounter deadly traps, fearsome monsters, and enigmatic mysteries. Exploring the Depths can lead to encounters with rival treasure hunters, sinister cults, or opportunistic denizens of the underworld. As you uncover long-lost secrets and navigate the intricate web of tunnels and chambers, you'll not only face physical and magical challenges, but also unravel the complex history of Sharn and the land of Eberron itself. Whether you're a daring explorer, a scholarly researcher, or a thrill-seeker eager to test your mettle, the Depths beneath Sharn offer a wealth of adventure and intrigue.

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