Organized Crime in Sharn: Beneath the Glittering Spires

1. Introduction

Sharn, often hailed as the "City of Towers", stands as a mesmerizing testament to the architectural might and ambition of the denizens of Eberron. Its majestic skyscrapers, built upon millennia-old ruins, reach ambitiously for the heavens, glinting by day and shimmering by night, reflecting both the aspirations of its populace and the arcane wonders that power it. A nexus of commerce, culture, and innovation, Sharn's bustling streets brim with potential and promise. Yet, much like the soaring towers that cast long shadows when the sun dips below the horizon, Sharn's glittering facade hides a darker side, one that has persisted and adapted over the ages. This underbelly, often obscured by the city's opulence and grandeur, is a web of intrigue and illicit affairs, where organized crime syndicates maneuver for power, wealth, and influence.

To the uninitiated visitor, Sharn's marvels might seem unblemished, its reputation unsullied. However, those who've lived amidst its spiraling heights and plunging depths know all too well the whispers that echo in its alleyways. Tales of criminal enterprises that operate with chilling efficiency, of enigmatic figures whose reach extends to the highest echelons of power, and of neighborhoods where the rule of law is but a distant dream. These stories, often spoken in hushed tones, provide a counter-narrative to the city's celebrated image, revealing an undercurrent of vice and villainy.

To truly understand Sharn, one must recognize this duality: the radiant splendor that draws many to its embrace and the shadowy machinations that ensnare others in a life of treachery. This article aims to pull back the curtain on Sharn's organized crime, tracing its historical roots, delving into its current manifestations, and pondering its impact on the city's future trajectory. For in the interplay between law and lawlessness, between the guardians of order and the architects of chaos, lies the pulsating heart of Sharn, a city forever poised between its loftiest dreams and its darkest nightmares.

2. Historical Context

Roots in the Ancient Dhakaani Empire

To trace the roots of organized crime in Sharn, one must journey back through the annals of history to the days of the Dhakaani Empire. When the goblinoids held dominion over vast swaths of Khorvaire, their highly stratified society and bureaucratic systems inadvertently birthed the first syndicates. These were groups, initially small in scale, that sought to exploit gaps in the expansive empire's governance. As merchant caravans traversed the empire's vast territories, smuggling rings sprouted, facilitating the illicit trade of forbidden goods and substances.

The Rise and Fall of the Warlords

As the Dhakaani Empire waned and power vacuums emerged, regional warlords, many with ties to these nascent crime groups, began to exert control. In the city that would one day become Sharn, a few warlords realized that true power lay not just in military might but also in controlling the flow of commerce and information. These visionary leaders established the foundations for Sharn's first true crime families. They forged pacts and alliances, sometimes sealed in blood, that have reverberated through the ages.

The Last War: A Crucible for Criminal Ambition

With the onset of the Last War, Sharn, like much of Eberron, was plunged into chaos. This multi-nation, century-long conflict reshaped the continent's political landscape. Amidst this upheaval, Sharn's criminal syndicates found unprecedented opportunities. The war necessitated the movement of clandestine messages, the smuggling of vital supplies, and the assassination of key figures. The city's underworld adeptly filled this demand, solidifying its grip on the city's darker endeavors.

Moreover, with so many of the city's youth drafted into the conflict, many neighborhoods became vulnerable to criminal influence. Gangs expanded their territories, and new players entered the scene, sensing opportunity in the midst of war's devastation.

Post-War Realignment and the Modern Syndicate

The end of the Last War did not herald an end to organized crime; rather, it marked a new era of sophistication and ambition. With the establishment of the Treaty of Thronehold, Sharn was poised to become a crucial hub in a newly fragmented world. The city's crime syndicates recognized this potential and rapidly evolved. They transitioned from mere gangs to complex, multi-tiered organizations with interests in legitimate businesses, politics, and more.

Today's Sharn underworld is a product of these myriad historical influences. The echoes of ancient goblinoid smugglers, ambitious warlords, war-time opportunists, and modern mobsters all contribute to the symphony of organized crime that resonates through the city's towers and alleys. To understand the motivations, structures, and operations of these groups today, one must acknowledge and appreciate this rich tapestry of history that has shaped them.

3. Major Criminal Factions

Boromar Clan - Sharn's Halfling Mafia

Origins and Background

Hailing from the Talenta Plains, the Boromar Clan, though halfling in origin, has expanded and embedded itself deeply into Sharn's urban fabric. Their transition from nomadic halflings to organized crime syndicate is a testament to their adaptability and cunning.

The clan, originally tribal and family-based, used their bonds of kinship and loyalty to ensure that each member looked out for one another. Upon their migration to Sharn, they found themselves amidst the towering spires and the hustle and bustle of city life, a stark contrast from the open plains of their homeland. Instead of being overwhelmed, they capitalized on the city's complexity, weaving their operations into its very fabric.

Interests and Operations

The Boromar Clan is involved in a myriad of criminal enterprises:

  1. Illicit Trade: They control a significant portion of the contraband market, particularly the smuggling and distribution of illicit substances, like dreamlily.
  2. Protection Rackets: Businesses operating in areas under Boromar influence often find themselves "encouraged" to pay for protection against potential threats – threats which are, more often than not, orchestrated by the Boromar themselves.
  3. Legitimate Fronts: The clan operates a plethora of legal businesses which serve both as a front for their criminal operations and a source of legitimate income. These range from inns and taverns to merchant caravans and trading companies.
  4. Gambling and Entertainment: The Boromar have a hand in many of Sharn's gambling dens and illicit entertainment venues, ensuring a steady flow of income and influence over the city's leisure class.
  5. Political Influence: Over the years, the Boromar Clan has embedded itself into the political machinery of Sharn. They've either bought, blackmailed, or befriended various officials, ensuring a level of immunity for their operations.

Reach and Territory

The Boromar Clan's influence is vast, spanning across multiple wards in the city:

  1. Lower Dura: This is the heartland of Boromar operations. The clan has a strong presence in neighborhoods like Tumbledown or Precarious, ensuring they have eyes and ears close to the ground.
  2. Middle Dura: With areas like Highhold and Underlook, they maintain their gambling and entertainment venues, using them both as sources of income and as recruitment grounds for potential new members.
  3. The Docks: Given their involvement in smuggling, the Boromar Clan has a vested interest in maintaining a presence at Sharn's docks.
  4. Citywide Network: Beyond these strongholds, the Boromar Clan operates a vast network of informants, agents, and operatives throughout the city, ensuring they're never too far from any significant event or development.

Rivalries and Allies

The Boromar Clan, though dominant, faces challenges to its supremacy. They constantly spar with rivals like Daask, a criminal syndicate composed of monstrous races. These turf wars, both violent and subversive, are a constant backdrop to Sharn's underworld dynamics.

However, the clan isn't without its allies. They've formed strategic alliances with other minor gangs and even some of Sharn's more influential families, ensuring a balance of power that favors their continued dominance.


The Boromar Clan, with its blend of familial loyalty, cunning business acumen, and ruthless tactics, stands as a testament to how adaptable groups can thrive amidst the complexities of urban life. In the ever-shifting landscape of Sharn's criminal underworld, they remain a constant – a force to be reckoned with and a name whispered with a mix of fear and respect.

Daask - The Monstrous Organization in Sharn’s Underworld


Daask is not your typical criminal organization, and its presence is a stark reminder of the unique blend of races and cultures that exist within Eberron, particularly in Sharn. Comprised mostly of monstrous races, including goblins, ogres, harpies, and medusas, Daask's emergence and influence in the city's underworld signal both a challenge to traditional power structures and a testament to the adaptability of so-called "monstrous" beings in urban settings.


Daask has its roots not in Sharn or even Khorvaire, but rather from Droaam, a land to the west of Breland. Droaam was once considered a part of Breland until it was taken over by monstrous races under the leadership of the Daughters of Sora Kell, a trio of hag sisters. Many members of Daask migrated to Sharn in search of opportunities outside the harsh environment of Droaam, bringing with them the complex, tribal dynamics of their homeland.

Hierarchy and Structure:

The organizational structure of Daask is less rigid than that of other criminal outfits. Given the diversity of creatures within its ranks, Daask functions more like a coalition of different monstrous tribes and groups, each bringing their unique skills and resources to the table. However, they all pay homage and loyalty to their leaders back in Droaam, ensuring a kind of chaotic cohesion within the organization.

Criminal Interests:

While Daask is involved in a variety of criminal activities, they have a particular reputation for the drug trade. They're the primary suppliers of Dreamlily, a potent narcotic, within Sharn. The drug is produced in Droaam, making Daask the exclusive distributor in the city.

Apart from drug trafficking, they're also known for extortion, racketeering, and mercenary work. Their willingness to accept and execute jobs that others might find too brutal or distasteful has quickly earned them a fearful reputation.

Territory and Reach:

Initially, Daask had a challenging time establishing a foothold in Sharn, given the city's already saturated criminal landscape and the inherent mistrust of monstrous races. However, their persistence, brutality, and unique 'assets' (like harpies who can control the skies or medusas who can turn enemies to stone) allowed them to carve out territories, primarily in the lower wards of the city.

While they are still not as expansive as the Boromar Clan, their influence is growing, especially in the more impoverished and marginalized areas where residents might view them less as monsters and more as an alternative power structure.

Conflict and Rivalries:

Daask's rise has not been without challenges. Their main rivals are the Boromar Clan. The two factions have been involved in various skirmishes, turf wars, and power plays. The Boromar Clan, while wary of Daask's brutality, relies on its deep roots within the city and its connections, both legal and illegal.


Daask's presence in Sharn serves as a reflection of the city's ever-evolving dynamics. As the lines between 'civilized' and 'monstrous' blur, organizations like Daask challenge preconceived notions and force the city's residents, both commoners and power players, to adapt to a changing underworld. In the shadowy alleys and high towers of Sharn, the monstrous organization of Daask continues to rise, promising to play a significant role in the city's future.

Tarkanan: The assassin's guild with roots in the Last War.


In the mystical world of Eberron, Dragonmarks are considered symbols of power, influence, and prestige. They are hereditary arcane sigils that manifest on individuals from specific families, granting them unique magical abilities. But not all marks are seen with reverence; some are considered aberrations, deviations from the established Dragonmarked Houses. Tarkanan is an organization that unites and mobilizes these bearers of aberrant marks, representing both their potential for power and the prejudices they face.


The name "Tarkanan" harks back to the Last War, inspired by Lord Halas Tarkanan, a significant figure and a bearer of an aberrant mark. He, along with his lover, Thora Tavin (another aberrant marked), led a rebellion against the Dragonmarked Houses, giving rise to the organization as a form of resistance. Though they were ultimately defeated, their legacy lived on, inspiring future bearers of aberrant marks to come together.

Hierarchy and Structure:

Unlike the Dragonmarked Houses, which have established hierarchies and structures, Tarkanan is more decentralized. It functions as a loose confederation of cells, each operating semi-independently but all sharing the common goal of advancing the interests and protecting the rights of aberrant mark bearers.

The Aberrant Marks

These marks are unpredictable both in their appearance and their powers. Unlike the regular Dragonmarks, which have specific forms and abilities, each aberrant mark is unique. The powers they grant can range from deadly destructive abilities to more subtle, insidious magics. However, they come with a cost; using the power of an aberrant mark can be dangerous, sometimes causing harm to the user or those around them.

Activities and Interests:

Tarkanan primarily operates in the shadows, leveraging its members' unique abilities for various criminal activities. These range from assassination, espionage, and theft to more overt acts of rebellion against the Dragonmarked Houses or those that oppress bearers of aberrant marks. Their operations often have a dual purpose: to further their cause and to finance their operations.

Territory and Reach:

Tarkanan has a significant presence in Sharn, where the city's verticality and diversity allow them to operate relatively unnoticed. They've established strongholds in the lower levels, taking advantage of the city's labyrinthine layout and the lawlessness that often prevails in these regions. But their influence isn't limited to Sharn; cells of Tarkanan operate across Khorvaire, anywhere the Dragonmarked Houses wield power.

Relationships and Rivalries:

The primary adversaries of Tarkanan are the Dragonmarked Houses, which view aberrant marks as threats to their power and legitimacy. The Houses, with their vast resources and influence, often persecute or hunt down bearers of aberrant marks, considering them dangerous or unstable. This has led to a bitter enmity between the two groups. Within Sharn, Tarkanan also has rivalries with other criminal organizations, such as the Boromar Clan and Daask, as they vie for control over territories and resources.


Tarkanan, at its core, represents the age-old struggle of the marginalized against the powerful. Bearing the legacy of Lord Halas Tarkanan and the spirit of rebellion, this organization stands as a testament to the idea that power can emerge from the most unexpected places. In the intricate tapestry of Sharn's underworld, Tarkanan is a wild card, unpredictable and formidable, continuously challenging the status quo.

Minor Gangs and Syndicates

While the Boromar Clan, Daask, and Tarkanan are the most prominent criminal entities in Sharn, the city's vast and layered structure, coupled with its rich history and diverse population, has given rise to numerous smaller gangs, syndicates, and criminal enterprises. Each of these factions has carved out a niche for themselves within the city's complex web of power and influence. Here's a closer look at some of these lesser-known entities and their territories:

  1. The Blackwheel Company:
  • Territory: Primarily operating out of Lower Dura.
  • Specialties: Mercenary work, assassination, and theft.
  • Background: Formerly a mercenary company during the Last War, they've since turned to more illicit activities to sustain themselves.
  1. The Tyrants:
  • Territory: Primarily based in the university district and some parts of Middle Tavick's Landing.
  • Specialties: Espionage, blackmail, and information brokerage.
  • Background: Comprised largely of changelings, they leverage their shapeshifting abilities to gather secrets and manipulate events.
  1. The Shrouds:
  • Territory: Shadows of the upper levels and the darkness of lower Sharn.
  • Specialties: Assassination and necromantic activities.
  • Background: It's whispered that they have close ties with the Blood of Vol and often deal in dark rituals.
  1. The Storm Hammers:
  • Territory: Primarily the Cogs and Lower Dura.
  • Specialties: Sabotage and brute force jobs.
  • Background: With an intense hatred for warforged, they believe in a pure Sharn without the influence of these constructs.
  1. The Red Jackals:
  • Territory: Dockside in Cliffside and parts of Lower Tavick's Landing.
  • Specialties: Smuggling and piracy.
  • Background: A mix of sailors, pirates, and merchants, they control a significant portion of the illegal goods entering Sharn.
  1. The Quickfoot Gang:
  • Territory: Various districts, but mostly in the bustling marketplaces and trade areas.
  • Specialties: Petty theft, pickpocketing, and street scams.
  • Background: Comprised mainly of halflings and some nimble humans, they're known for their agility and street smarts.
  1. Gilded Dagger Syndicate:
  • Territory: Some of the wealthier districts in Upper Central and Upper Northedge.
  • Specialties: High-stakes robbery, fencing of stolen goods, and money laundering.
  • Background: Consisting of former nobles, disgraced merchants, and some rogue artificers, they aim for big scores.

While these factions might not wield the same power and influence as the major players in Sharn's underworld, they are still significant in their own right. Their existence is a testament to the city's intricate socio-political landscape, where everyone, big or small, plays a role in the grand dance of power, ambition, and survival.

4. The Economic Impact

Organized crime syndicates have a profound impact on the economy of Sharn, a bustling metropolis known as much for its towering spires as for its deep-rooted corruption. With their fingers dipped in multiple sectors, these criminal organizations skillfully manipulate economic structures to maximize their gains. Here's a detailed look into the many ways in which they contribute to, and manipulate, the economy of Sharn:

  1. Black Market Operations:
  • Impact: A significant portion of Sharn's economy runs through the black market, a sprawling underground network dealing in illicit goods such as stolen artifacts, illegal weapons, and banned substances.
  • Manipulation: Crime syndicates control the flow of goods, setting prices, and ensuring the continued demand for their products by lobbying against legal alternatives or creating artificial shortages.
  1. Protection Rackets:
  • Impact: Many businesses, especially in the lower districts, pay a "protection fee" to crime syndicates to avoid vandalism or violent disruptions.
  • Manipulation: This artificially inflates operating costs for businesses, making certain areas less appealing for legitimate enterprises and ensuring criminal entities maintain territorial control.
  1. Gambling and Entertainment:
  • Impact: Illegal gambling dens, underground fighting arenas, and illicit entertainment venues contribute significantly to the city's nighttime economy.
  • Manipulation: Crime syndicates often rig games and events to ensure maximum profit, driving patrons further into debt and making them susceptible to other forms of exploitation.
  1. Money Lending and Laundering:
  • Impact: Syndicates operate shadow banks offering loans at exorbitant interest rates, especially to those who can't obtain loans from legitimate institutions.
  • Manipulation: Those unable to repay are often forced into criminal activities or servitude. Additionally, crime syndicates "clean" their illicit gains through seemingly legitimate businesses, reinvesting "clean" money into the city's economy.
  1. Control of Key Resources:
  • Impact: Syndicates often have a monopoly over specific resources, especially those that are rare or have an illicit nature.
  • Manipulation: By controlling the supply, they can set prices and determine who gets access, often leading to inflated costs and scarcity.
  1. Real Estate and Construction:
  • Impact: Syndicates are deeply involved in the city's construction sector, often funding projects and having a say in urban planning.
  • Manipulation: They might engage in practices like property "flipping", where they intentionally degrade an area (through crime, arson, etc.) to decrease property values, buy them at a reduced cost, and then redevelop and sell them at a profit.
  1. Influence on Labor Unions:
  • Impact: Many labor unions in Sharn are under the thumb of organized crime, ensuring a steady supply of labor and the possibility of strikes whenever needed.
  • Manipulation: By controlling labor unions, syndicates can halt major projects or create city-wide disruptions, giving them leverage in negotiations with businesses and political figures.
  1. Political Corruption:
  • Impact: Syndicates have tendrils reaching into Sharn's political structure, with many public officials being on their payroll.
  • Manipulation: This allows them to influence policies, regulations, and law enforcement in their favor, ensuring their activities remain unchecked and their profits remain high.

In essence, organized crime isn't just a shadowy underbelly in Sharn; it's interwoven into the city's economic fabric. While they undeniably bring certain economic activities and liquidity to the city, the methods and consequences of their operations often undermine genuine economic growth, perpetuate inequality, and erode public trust in the city's institutions.

5. The Role of Magic

In the world of Eberron, magic is not just a matter of arcane rituals and powerful wizards; it is an integral part of everyday life, akin to technology in other settings. This deeply-embedded magical environment has sculpted the contours of organized crime in novel and often unpredictable ways:

  1. Magical Contraband:
  • Description: In a magic-saturated world, there is a high demand for forbidden scrolls, artifacts, and substances that can amplify or manipulate magical powers.
  • Implications for Crime: Syndicates invest heavily in smuggling, trading, and producing magical contraband, leading to underground markets where forbidden spells and enchanted items are traded.
  1. Spellcasters for Hire:
  • Description: Magic users, from sorcerers to artificers, can offer their services for a price, often in covert operations.
  • Implications for Crime: Syndicates might employ or even forcibly recruit magic users for tasks such as breaking wards, enchanting items, or using divination to gather information. Some specialized magic users could become the equivalent of "hackers" in the criminal underworld.
  1. Wards and Counter-wards:
  • Description: The commonality of magic means that protective wards, both to safeguard or to trap, are frequent in Eberron.
  • Implications for Crime: Criminal organizations have specialists dedicated to bypassing or setting up magical barriers, similar to safecrackers or security experts in non-magical settings.
  1. Golems and Construct Enforcers:
  • Description: Instead of hiring thugs or muscle, some criminal organizations use magically-animated constructs to do their bidding.
  • Implications for Crime: Constructs can't be bribed, they don't tire, and they carry out orders without question. However, they also need maintenance, and their creation and control involve intricate magical processes.
  1. Communication and Surveillance:
  • Description: Magic provides unparalleled means of communication, from sending stones to scrying pools.
  • Implications for Crime: Syndicates can maintain real-time communication across vast distances or keep an eye on rivals, targets, or law enforcement, making their operations more coordinated and responsive.
  1. Transport and Smuggling:
  • Description: Teleportation circles, portals, and dimensional pockets offer unique transportation methods.
  • Implications for Crime: These magical means can be exploited for smuggling goods, quick getaways, or moving large forces discreetly, bypassing conventional checkpoints or barriers.
  1. Memory Manipulation and Interrogation:
  • Description: Spells and artifacts that can modify, erase, or extract memories exist in Eberron.
  • Implications for Crime: Syndicates can use such magic for interrogations, ensuring loyalty, or removing memories from those who've seen too much.
  1. Economic Exploitation:
  • Description: With artificers capable of producing magic items on an industrial scale, there's potential for monopolizing magic-powered industries.
  • Implications for Crime: Syndicates can control the means of production, distribution, or both, for certain magical goods, creating monopolies and dictating prices.
  1. Magical Creatures:
  • Description: Eberron is home to various magical creatures that can be used or exploited.
  • Implications for Crime: Syndicates might traffic or employ creatures, from elemental-powered airships to bound demons, for various illicit purposes.

The pervasive magic of Eberron has reshaped organized crime, making it more complex and multifaceted. While it offers criminal syndicates numerous advantages and opportunities, it also presents unique challenges, as law enforcement agencies and rival gangs harness the same arcane powers in their ongoing battles for control and influence.

6. Sharn's Authorities and Organized Crime

In the towering city of Sharn, a complex relationship exists between its organized crime syndicates and the official authorities, primarily the City Watch and the King's Citadel. This dynamic isn't merely a straightforward antagonism; it's a multifaceted interplay influenced by politics, corruption, and mutual interests. Here's an in-depth look:

  1. Bribery and Corruption:
  • Nature: Money and power have always had the capacity to sway loyalties. In Sharn, many officials in the City Watch and even some in the King's Citadel have been known to take bribes, turning a blind eye to certain activities or even actively aiding criminal enterprises.
  • Implications: This widespread corruption makes it difficult for any broad, citywide crackdown on crime to take place. It also leads to a public mistrust of the authorities, further solidifying the power of the crime syndicates.
  1. Informants and Intelligence:
  • Nature: Not all interactions are corrupt. Sometimes, the authorities cultivate informants within the criminal underworld to gather intelligence on rival gangs or more significant threats.
  • Implications: This creates a complex network where sometimes a gang might indirectly aid law enforcement, positioning themselves as a lesser evil or even a potential ally.
  1. Balance of Power:
  • Nature: While the authorities want to maintain law and order, they also recognize the dangers of a power vacuum. If one major criminal organization were to fall, it might lead to chaos as various factions battle for dominance.
  • Implications: The City Watch and King's Citadel might occasionally allow certain criminal activities to persist, viewing them as a necessary evil to maintain a semblance of balance and order.
  1. Mutual Enemies:
  • Nature: At times, the goals of organized crime and the authorities align, especially when external threats loom over Sharn.
  • Implications: In these rare situations, there can be a temporary truce or even collaboration to handle mutual threats. Once the threat is neutralized, the old rivalries usually resume.
  1. Legitimate Fronts:
  • Nature: Many criminal organizations in Sharn operate legitimate businesses as fronts. These can range from taverns to shipping companies, often providing services to the city's populace and even the authorities.
  • Implications: These legitimate fronts make it difficult for the authorities to clamp down on syndicates without disrupting the city's economy or daily life.
  1. Internal Politics:
  • Nature: Just as there are factions and politics within the organized crime world, so too are there within the City Watch and the King's Citadel. Different officers or officials might have varying views on how to deal with crime, ranging from zero-tolerance to a more pragmatic approach.
  • Implications: This lack of a unified approach can sometimes lead to inefficiencies or conflicts, with different arms of the authorities working at cross purposes.
  1. Public Perception and Propaganda:
  • Nature: Both organized crime and authorities are keenly aware of the importance of public perception. While crime syndicates might portray themselves as protectors of the community or providers of essential services, the authorities emphasize their role as the city's guardians.
  • Implications: This battle for the hearts and minds of Sharn's populace can lead to various public gestures, from charitable acts to public crackdowns, each side trying to position itself favorably.

In conclusion, the relationship between organized crime and Sharn's authorities is a delicate dance of power, influence, and mutual necessity. While they might often be in opposition, there are moments of collaboration, driven by the intricate realities of maintaining order and balance in such a diverse and sprawling metropolis.

7. Notable Events and Criminal Endeavors

Sharn's criminal underbelly has been responsible for various schemes, plots, and events that have marked the city's tumultuous history. Here are some notable events and endeavors associated with its most infamous criminal organizations:

  1. Boromar Clan:
  • The Skyway Heist: This halfling-led mafia once orchestrated a daring theft from one of Sharn's Skyway towers. Using flying mounts and exceptional coordination, they managed to outmaneuver the City Watch and abscond with a trove of dragonshards.
  • Festival of Shadows: In an attempt to control the streets during Sharn's annual festival, the Boromar Clan deployed hallucinogenic drugs, turning a celebration into chaos and taking advantage of the confusion to raid several businesses.
  1. Daask:
  • Monster's Rebellion: Daask, keen on establishing its dominance, once unleashed a horde of monstrous creatures upon the lower wards of Sharn. This was both a show of force and a distraction for a series of strategic assassinations.
  • The Dreamlily Wars: Aiming to control the market for the narcotic known as dreamlily, Daask engaged in a brutal turf war with the Boromar Clan, leaving many parts of the city in turmoil.
  1. Tarkanan:
  • The Night of Unleashed Sorrows: This organization of aberrant mark bearers once harnessed the collective power of its members in a coordinated attack against houses of the Dragonmarked, sending a message about their strength and intent.
  • Infiltration of the King's Citadel: Members of Tarkanan, using their unique aberrant marks, managed to infiltrate the King's Citadel and steal vital information, demonstrating their prowess and challenging established powers.
  1. Minor Gangs and Syndicates:
  • The Red Market Massacre: A dispute between two smaller gangs over territory escalated into a full-blown street war in the heart of the Red Market. The event culminated in a magical explosion that decimated several stalls and left a lasting scar on Sharn's criminal landscape.
  • The Cogs Uprising: Below the city, in the heated forges of the Cogs, several minor syndicates joined forces to challenge the dominance of the major crime families. While it was short-lived, the uprising led to a temporary shift in the power dynamics of the underworld.
  1. Cross-Faction Endeavors:
  • The Great Truce: While short-lived, there was a moment when major factions came together, forming a temporary alliance to address an external threat – a rival criminal organization from outside Sharn. Their combined strength and resources were a testament to what the underworld could achieve when united.
  • The Dragonmarked Kidnappings: In a surprising turn of events, representatives from various criminal factions collaborated in a scheme to kidnap heirs of the major Dragonmarked Houses, aiming to hold them for ransom and exert influence over these powerful families.

These events underscore the audacity, resourcefulness, and power of Sharn's criminal organizations. Their endeavors, whether individually or in collaboration, have left an indelible mark on the city's history, shaping its politics, economics, and very way of life.

8. The Everyday Citizen's Perspective

For the everyday citizen of Sharn, organized crime is a multifaceted element of daily life, creating a complex tapestry of feelings, perceptions, and experiences. The ordinary denizen's perspective can be summarized through several key viewpoints:

  1. Resignation and Acceptance: For many, organized crime is an unavoidable reality of living in Sharn. Whether it's paying protection money to a local gang or knowing which streets to avoid after dark, these citizens have made peace with the fact that these organizations exist and wield considerable power.
  2. Fear and Intimidation: The more brutal acts of organized crime - from public executions of snitches to territorial gang wars - instill fear. Residents are constantly reminded of the power and reach of these groups, making them hesitant to oppose or even speak out against them.
  3. Beneficiaries: Some citizens, either wittingly or unwittingly, benefit from organized crime. This could be through employment in establishments owned or protected by these organizations, or by enjoying the fruits of their illicit activities, such as frequenting underground gambling dens or purchasing black-market goods.
  4. Reluctant Dependence: There are areas in Sharn where the official law enforcement either cannot or will not regularly patrol. In these areas, organized crime often fills the power vacuum, providing a form of "street justice" or ensuring a level of order, albeit a self-serving one. Citizens might rely on them to keep even more chaotic elements at bay.
  5. Disdain and Disapproval: Not all residents are passive or accepting of organized crime. Many view these groups with disdain, seeing them as parasites preying on the vulnerable. They support efforts to curb their influence and might even engage in grassroots movements or local militias to counteract gang activities.
  6. Mystique and Allure: Especially among the younger or more impressionable citizens, there's a certain allure to the underworld. The promise of easy wealth, power, and respect can be tempting. Tales of infamous gangsters or daring heists might be romanticized in some circles, much to the chagrin of the city's moral watchdogs.
  7. Ambivalence: A significant portion of the population, busy with their daily lives, remains largely indifferent unless directly affected. For them, organized crime is background noise, much like any other facet of city life.
  8. Hope for Change: With the rise of organizations, individuals, and initiatives challenging the reign of organized crime, some citizens foster hope. They believe in a future Sharn where such entities can be pushed back or even eradicated.

In essence, while organized crime undeniably affects the fabric of Sharn, it's the city's diverse populace that provides a wide range of perspectives on its presence and influence. The mosaic of views is a testament to Sharn's complex socio-political landscape.

9. Conclusion

The city of Sharn, a towering testament to both the wonders and the pitfalls of civilization, serves as an epicenter for the perpetual dance between order and chaos. This delicate balance, often teetering on the edge of collapse, has defined the city’s narrative since its inception. Rooted deeply within its cobblestones, winding alleys, and soaring spires, is a story of a city constantly grappling with its own identity.

At the heart of this ongoing struggle are the forces of organized crime, often viewed as the purveyors of chaos, challenging the established order at every turn. Yet, to merely label them as agents of disorder would be an oversimplification. They, in their own unique way, bring about a semblance of order, albeit one that serves their interests. From the Boromar Clan's intricate networks to Daask’s monstrous might and Tarkanan's shadowy maneuvers, each group establishes its territories, enforces its own set of rules, and in some areas, even provides essential services that the city's formal institutions fail to offer.

On the other side of the spectrum stand the City Watch, the King's Citadel, and other stalwarts of justice and order. Their relentless efforts to maintain peace and uphold the law showcase Sharn’s steadfast dedication to its foundational principles. Their endeavors, despite facing overwhelming odds, highlight the city's resilience and its commitment to ensuring that chaos does not consume its essence.

However, it's not just these grand organizations that shape the narrative. The everyday citizen of Sharn plays a crucial role in this dance. Their perspectives, actions, and reactions to organized crime and the forces of order offer a nuanced lens through which we can view the city’s broader struggle. Their hopes, fears, aspirations, and resignations contribute to the ebb and flow of power dynamics within the city.

Amidst this constant push and pull, Sharn's magic-rich environment, a product of Eberron's unique cosmic position, adds another layer of complexity. Magic, a force that can both create and destroy, acts as a tool and a weapon in this ongoing battle. It empowers and emboldens, but it also tempts and corrupts, further blurring the lines between order and chaos.

In many ways, the story of Sharn is a reflection of the broader human (and non-human) experience. The city, with its myriad layers, both physical and metaphorical, embodies the complexities of existence. The aspirations to create a perfect society are consistently challenged by inherent flaws, ambitions, and desires. Yet, it is this very tension, this dynamic interplay of opposing forces, that makes Sharn so vibrantly alive.

As the future unfolds, the City of Towers will undoubtedly continue to face challenges, with new players entering the scene and old ones evolving. But one thing remains certain: Sharn will endure, its heart beating to the rhythm of the eternal dance between order and chaos, a dance as old as time itself.

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