DVA-C01 studying - CloudWatch and CloudTrail


What is it
  • https://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/

  • monitoring service to monitor health and performance metrics of you applications and AWS resources

    • by default can monitor compute, storage & content delivery, database & analytics, and a variety of other AWS services
    • can even monitor estimated AWS charges
  • CloudWatch Agent - allows you to define your own metrics to monitor

  • OperatingSystem-Level metrics

    • by default OS-level metrics are not sent to CloudWatch - need to use the CloudWatch agent to do this

      • memory usage, processess, CPU idle time, etc
    • metric frequency - by default sent in 5-min intervals

      • can enable detailed monitoring for 1-min intervals for an extra charge
      • custom metrics default to 1-min intervals but high resolution metrics can be configured for 1-sec intervals (extra charge)
  • host-level metrics

    • default EC2 metrics include CPU, network, disk, status check
  • CloudWatch Logs - allows you to monitor OS and application logs

    • system and application logs - useful to track errors and troubleshoot
  • CloudWatch Alarms

    • alarms you can create to monitor any CloudWatch metric

      • cpu or memory ulitization, latency, AWS bill charges, etc.
      • can set thresholds on the metric to trigger the alarm
    • alarms can trigger things e.g. executing an Auto Scaling policy

CloudWatch Metric
  • a variable you want to monitor using CloudWatch

  • time-ordered sequence of data-points that are published to Cloudwatch

    • each data-point has a timestamp and optional unit of measurment
  • for example, logging the CPU usage on an instance

  • uniquely defined by a name, namespace, and zero or more dimensions

CloudWatch Namespaces
  • a container for CloudWatch metrics

  • AWS provides its own (e.g. AWS/EC2 for EC2 metrics) and you can create your own for custom metrics data

    • each data-point you want to publish to CloudWatch must have a specified namespace
    • each metric you create must have a specifiec namespace
  • metrics in different namespaces are isolated from one another - they are not aggregated together

CloudWatch Dimensions
  • similar to a filter
  • name-value pair used to filter CloudWatch data
  • CloudWatch can aggregate data across dimensions for some service (like EC2)
CloudWatch Dashboards
  • custom dashboard views you can create in CloudWatch to visualize/display specified metrics
CloudWatch Actions
  • CloudWatch API supports a long list of actions, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/APIReference/API_Operations.html

    • actions allow you to publish, monitor, and alert on metrics
  • very useful when creating custom metrics

  • PutMetricData (super common action)

    • publishes metric data-points to CloudWatch
    • define the name of the metric, the namespace to publish it to, the value to publish, and timestamp for the data-point
  • PutMetricAlarm (super common action)

    • creates an alarm associated with a metric to alert you if a threshold has been reached


What is it
  • https://aws.amazon.com/cloudtrail/

  • records API calls (user activity) in your AWS account - events related to creation, modification, or deletion of resources (also includes failed logins)

    • stores log files in an S3 bucket
  • by default shows the last 90 days of activity

  • can be integrated with CloudWatch Logs

  • used for audit logs, not performance and metrics

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