Dragonmarked Houses: Pillars of Sharn's Economy and Everyday Life


In the soaring towers and bustling streets of Sharn, the City of a Thousand Spires, exists a unique blend of magic, innovation, and commerce. It's a city where history meets the future, and where traditions meld seamlessly with the aspirations of a new era. At the heart of this vibrant tapestry are the influential and enigmatic dragonmarked houses. More than mere symbols of ancestral power, these houses, with their intricate dragonmark tattoos, have woven themselves into every stratum of Sharn's society, from its booming economic sectors to the everyday lives of its residents.

These dynastic families don't just hold a storied legacy; they represent the lifeblood of Sharn's commerce and its societal order. Their marks are not just symbols; they are a testament to the power and potential that flows through their veins, enabling them to harness specific arcane abilities that have been refined over generations. From the magnificent airships of House Lyrandar that dot the skies to the masterful healing wards of House Jorasco that have saved countless lives, the presence and impact of the dragonmarked houses are undeniable.

However, as with all power centers, their influence is double-edged. Their monopoly over certain sectors and their ability to shape policy and commerce often brings them into both collaboration and contention with Sharn's other power players. As we delve deeper into the intricacies of each house, their roles, ambitions, and the services they provide, we'll uncover not just their contribution to Sharn's grandeur, but also the challenges and responsibilities that come with such unparalleled influence.

House Cannith: The Tinkerers of Progress

Origin and Legacy:

House Cannith, bearing the Mark of Making, stands at the forefront of innovation and craftsmanship in the world of Eberron. With roots tracing back to the ancient region of Cyre, this dragonmarked house has grown and flourished, becoming synonymous with invention and progress. Its legacy is intrinsically tied to the very fabric of Sharn and beyond, with its inventions revolutionizing everyday life and the broader scope of industry.

The Mark of Making:

The dragonmark bestowed upon members of House Cannith grants them exceptional crafting abilities. Those with the Mark of Making can mend broken items, craft objects with supernatural speed, or even fabricate complex mechanisms from raw materials. This mark has ensured that House Cannith's artificers, blacksmiths, and craftsmen are among the most sought-after in Khorvaire.

Economic Impact:

House Cannith is an economic juggernaut. Their creation forges, scattered across the continent, churn out a staggering array of goods, from simple everyday items to advanced arcane constructs. The Warforged, sentient constructs capable of thought and emotion, stand as their most controversial and impactful invention, originally crafted to be soldiers in the Last War. The creation of the Warforged has posed ethical dilemmas but also showcased House Cannith's unparalleled artifice prowess.

The house also holds a monopoly over the creation of elemental airships and lightning rails, both vital to the transportation infrastructure of Eberron. In Sharn, the towering spires house numerous Cannith workshops, research centers, and trade halls, underlining the house's vital role in the city's economic machinery.

Everyday Presence in Sharn:

For the citizens of Sharn, House Cannith's presence is ubiquitous. Their technological marvels light up homes, power transportation, and offer security. The lifts and transport systems of Sharn, including the elemental elevators, owe their existence to Cannith innovation. Many households own items crafted from Cannith forges, and adventurers often seek out Cannith-crafted gear for its reliability and craftsmanship.

Challenges and Contentions:

But it's not all accolades for House Cannith. Their role in the creation of the Warforged has drawn criticism, with debates raging about the constructs' rights and status in society. The house's immense influence also makes it a target for both envy and political maneuvering. Its monopoly on certain technologies and the secrets they guard has led to both covert and overt challenges from rivals.

Moreover, internally, House Cannith faces its challenges. The destruction of Cyre in the Day of Mourning left the house without a clear leader, leading to a three-way split among its most influential members. Now, the house is divided into three distinct factions, each led by a Cannith heir vying for control and dominance.


House Cannith is a beacon of progress and innovation. Their contributions to Sharn and the broader world of Eberron are undeniable. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and the house's reach and influence are continuously tested by the ethical, political, and economic challenges of a rapidly evolving world. Their story is one of brilliance and ambition, but also of introspection and the continuous quest for purpose in the world they've helped shape.

House Deneith: The Protectors of Order

Origin and Heritage:

Hailing from the warrior traditions of Khorvaire, House Deneith carries the legacy of the ancient human clans that once roamed the continent. With its Dragonmark of Sentinel firmly symbolizing defense and protection, House Deneith has evolved into the quintessential safeguarding institution in Eberron. Operating out of its Sentinel Tower, the house's reach spans continents, ensuring that order prevails even in the harshest of circumstances.

The Mark of Sentinel:

The Dragonmark of Sentinel is a powerful emblem that grants its bearers abilities focused on protection and defense. This includes the capability to ward off harm, provide protective barriers, and shield individuals from potential threats. Given these attributes, House Deneith's members naturally gravitate towards roles as bodyguards, security consultants, and elite defenders.

Economic and Military Clout:

House Deneith's presence in the economic fabric of Eberron is significant. Through its Blademarks Guild, the house offers the services of highly-trained mercenaries and soldiers to those who can afford them. In a post-war environment, where threats can emerge from any corner, Deneith's mercenaries are in high demand.

Furthermore, the house operates the Sentinel Marshals, a group with the authority to pursue and apprehend criminals across international borders. This group symbolizes Deneith's commitment not only to personal protection but to the broader concept of justice in Khorvaire.

In the Heart of Sharn:

In the towering city of Sharn, House Deneith operates as a reassuring presence. Wealthy denizens often employ Deneith bodyguards for personal protection, while businesses might contract with the house for asset security or to ensure safe passage of valuable goods through dangerous territories.

Moreover, with Sharn being a hotspot for intrigue and clandestine activities, Deneith's Sentinel Marshals are often in the thick of things, chasing down fugitives or working covertly to maintain the balance of power.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges:

Being in the business of protection and defense, House Deneith often finds itself in morally gray areas. While they are undeniably the best at what they do, concerns arise when their services are bought by those with questionable motives. Can they always ensure they're on the right side of justice, especially when the lines blur?

Additionally, the house faces competition and friction with other organizations, especially the King's Dark Lanterns and the City Watch of various metropolises, given the overlapping nature of their jurisdictions.


House Deneith embodies the spirit of defense and order in a tumultuous world. Their commitment to ensuring safety is unparalleled, making them an essential fixture in the socio-political landscape of Eberron. Yet, as with all great powers, the challenges they face are intricate, compelling them to continually reassess their role in a world where the nature of threats is ever-evolving. Their tale in Sharn and beyond is a testament to the delicate balance between power, responsibility, and the age-old quest for true justice.

House Ghallanda: The Pillars of Hospitality

Origin and Heritage: Tracing its lineage to the hearty and adventurous halflings of the Talenta Plains, House Ghallanda stands as the embodiment of hospitality in Eberron. Gifted with the Dragonmark of Hospitality, the members of House Ghallanda have, over time, transformed from nomadic tribes to becoming the epitome of service providers in the urban landscapes of the continent.

The Mark of Hospitality: The Dragonmark of Hospitality, which adorns the members of House Ghallanda, provides them with unique abilities to ensure comfort and safety for those under their care. This mark allows them to create sustenance, purify food and water, and even mystically enhance the experience of their guests. It's no wonder then that an establishment bearing Ghallanda's seal is synonymous with top-notch service and a guarantee of safety.

Economic Influence: In the bustling economic machine of Khorvaire, House Ghallanda operates an impressive range of businesses focused on hospitality. From inns, taverns, and restaurants to exclusive resorts and entertainment venues, Ghallanda’s establishments can be found in nearly every corner, especially in cosmopolitan hubs like Sharn.

Their establishments, such as the Gold Dragon Inn, have become landmarks in many cities. Ghallanda ensures consistent standards across their outlets, making them a reliable choice for travelers and locals alike.

Role in Sharn: In Sharn, the City of Towers, Ghallanda's presence is undeniable. Beyond their inns and taverns, House Ghallanda provides catering services for grand events, manages culinary schools, and runs festivals that highlight the diverse cuisines of Eberron. The house also plays a pivotal role in ensuring that even amidst the soaring towers and dizzying depths, every citizen and visitor has a place they can call 'home', even if it's just for a night.

Challenges and Ethical Dilemmas: While House Ghallanda prioritizes hospitality and the well-being of its guests, it often finds itself walking a tightrope. By ensuring neutrality and safety within its establishments, it sometimes becomes an unwitting host to clandestine meetings, shadowy deals, or fugitives seeking refuge. Balancing the principle of hospitality with the broader concerns of societal safety remains a constant challenge.

Moreover, the house's vast influence in the hospitality sector means it has to grapple with competition, sometimes from rival houses or local establishments that feel overshadowed by Ghallanda's might.

Conclusion: House Ghallanda, with its welcoming arms, ensures that amidst the chaos, intrigue, and daily grind of Eberron, there's always a warm meal, a comforting bed, and a safe haven awaiting those who seek it. While challenges abound, the house's commitment to upholding the tenets of hospitality remains unwavering. Their legacy is intricately woven into the fabric of everyday life, making them not just hosts, but the heart of many communities across the continent.

House Jorasco: The Beacon of Healing and Hope

Origin and Lineage: Like House Ghallanda, House Jorasco also traces its roots to the halflings of the Talenta Plains. Over time, however, while Ghallanda emerged as the champions of hospitality, Jorasco carved a niche for itself as the preeminent house of healing in Eberron. With the Dragonmark of Healing as their gift, they have become indispensable in a world that, despite its magic, remains fraught with perils and diseases.

The Mark of Healing: Bearing the Dragonmark of Healing, members of House Jorasco possess a remarkable ability to mend wounds, cure ailments, and soothe the tormented. This mark doesn't just offer physical restoration but also extends to emotional and spiritual healing in some cases. This, combined with their extensive training in medicinal arts, has positioned House Jorasco members as the first line of defense against any health crisis.

Economic Impact: In terms of economic contribution, House Jorasco's reach is vast and profound. They operate healing houses across Khorvaire, offering services ranging from basic first aid to advanced magical cures. Their healing potions and remedies, while on the pricier side, are widely sought after for their efficacy.

The house also runs academies and institutions dedicated to medical research and training. Many of the breakthroughs in magical and mundane medicine can be attributed to the relentless efforts of Jorasco researchers.

Role in Sharn: In the grand city of Sharn, House Jorasco's healing houses are scattered across various levels and districts. They cater to everyone: from injured laborers in the lower wards to nobility in the upper towers. Their main enclave in the city is a hub of medical innovation and knowledge, drawing scholars and practitioners from all over.

Additionally, the house has formed strategic alliances with other establishments, ensuring that healing services are available in places like entertainment venues, arenas, and even some of the larger inns and taverns.

Ethical Quandaries: With their near-monopoly on advanced healing, House Jorasco often finds itself in the midst of ethical dilemmas. Their services, while unparalleled, are also expensive. This means that while the wealthy can easily afford their care, those less fortunate often struggle to access the same level of treatment.

Furthermore, their decision to withhold certain treatments unless a price is met has been a source of controversy. Some argue that the house is more profit-driven than genuinely committed to healing, but the house counters that their charges are necessary to fund research, training, and the maintenance of their healing houses.

Conclusion: In the intricate tapestry of Khorvaire's socio-economic landscape, House Jorasco shines brightly as a beacon of hope. Their commitment to the art and science of healing has saved countless lives. However, like all institutions wielding great power and influence, they find themselves constantly navigating the delicate balance between service and self-interest, healing and commerce. Their presence in Sharn and across the continent remains a testament to the critical role they play in the everyday lives of Eberron's inhabitants.

House Kundarak: The Pillars of Trust and Treasure

Origins and Lineage: Hailing from the mountains of Mror Holds, House Kundarak dwarves have established themselves as the leading bankers and wardens of Khorvaire. Their Dragonmark of Warding, an arcane sigil that augments their natural dwarven talent for security, has allowed them to create the most secure vaults and safes in all of Eberron.

The Mark of Warding: The Dragonmark of Warding grants its bearers abilities that are nothing short of invaluable in a world where treasures, both material and knowledge-based, require protection. From safeguarding a noble's heirlooms to ensuring the security of crucial state documents, House Kundarak has built its reputation as the go-to for anyone who needs something kept safe. This mark allows its user to create wards, barriers, and traps, all designed to deter potential thieves or intruders.

Economic Impact: With the combination of dwarven craftsmanship and the arcane prowess of their dragonmark, House Kundarak has developed a virtual monopoly on banking and security services in Khorvaire. Their vaults, scattered across the continent, house the wealth of nations, nobles, and successful businesses. In fact, the gold piece in your pocket might just have passed through a Kundarak counting house at some point.

Beyond just the physical vaults, House Kundarak also offers loans, credit services, and financial advice, making them integral to the economies of various nations. Their role in the financing of large projects and businesses can't be overstated.

Role in Sharn: In the towering city of Sharn, House Kundarak's influence is unmistakable. Their main enclave, a fortress-like structure, is an architectural marvel, demonstrating both their wealth and their commitment to security. But beyond this grand edifice, Kundarak banks and vaults are spread throughout the city, catering to clientele of every stratum.

House Kundarak also offers secure transportation services in Sharn, moving valuables from one part of the city to another, ensuring they're safe from the city's notorious thieves and cutthroats.

Trust and Responsibility: With great power comes great responsibility, and this is a creed House Kundarak takes to heart. They understand that their reputation is their most valuable asset. A single breach of their security or a failed financial venture could tarnish their name irreparably. As a result, they operate with the utmost discretion and diligence. Internally, the house maintains stringent checks and balances, and those of its members who deal with clients are trained to be incorruptible.

Conclusion: House Kundarak stands as a bastion of trust and reliability in the often tumultuous world of Eberron. Their expertise in banking and security has not only earned them a fortune but has also positioned them as one of the keystones of Khorvaire's economy. In Sharn, amidst the vertical sprawl and the teeming masses, the emblem of Kundarak – a locked vault – is a symbol that promises safety, assurance, and prosperity.

House Lyrandar: The Winds and Waves Beneath Their Wings

Origins and Lineage: House Lyrandar, led predominantly by half-elves, has its roots intertwined with the seas and skies of Khorvaire. This dragonmarked house has an ancestral bond with the elements, an intimacy that has been only intensified by the Mark of Storms, which many members of the house bear.

The Mark of Storms: The Dragonmark of Storms is more than just a symbol; it's a testament to House Lyrandar's innate mastery over the elements. This mark grants its bearers the ability to command winds and waters with a finesse unparalleled in Khorvaire. From calming a tempestuous sea to summoning favorable winds for sails, Lyrandar's touch in navigation is evident.

Economic Impact: In a world as vast and varied as Eberron, transportation and trade are pivotal. House Lyrandar has positioned itself at the heart of this, controlling a significant portion of maritime trade with its fleet of elemental galleons and airships. Their vessels, empowered by the Mark of Storms, can traverse routes that others deem treacherous, ensuring goods and passengers reach their destinations efficiently.

Sharn, known for its towering skyscrapers, benefits immensely from Lyrandar's airships, which have revolutionized intra-city and inter-city transportation. This innovation has not only boosted trade but has also made the house indispensable in the eyes of the city's elite who frequently use these services.

Role in Sharn: House Lyrandar's presence in Sharn is multifaceted. Their elemental airships are a common sight in the skies, docking at the majestic Lyrandar Tower, a symbol of the house's might and innovation. Beyond transportation, the house also plays a pivotal role in weather manipulation, ensuring that conditions remain favorable for trade, travel, and daily life. Given Sharn's verticality, this service is invaluable in preventing potentially disastrous weather phenomena.

Moreover, the house operates several upscale inns and establishments in the city, catering to travelers and traders who come aboard their ships. Their establishments often offer panoramic views of the city, and some even have mini airship docks for private clientele.

The Elemental Bond: The members of House Lyrandar share a profound bond with elementals, the primal forces of Eberron. This relationship isn't just transactional; it's deeply spiritual. The house has several elemental binders and researchers dedicated to understanding and collaborating with these powerful entities. Their elemental galleons and airships are a testament to this bond, where elementals are bound in symbiosis, propelling the vessels with their raw power.

Conclusion: House Lyrandar stands as a testament to what is possible when ambition aligns with nature's primal forces. Their control over the winds and waves has not only solidified their economic might but has also positioned them as a beacon of innovation and collaboration with the elemental forces of the world. In Sharn, they are more than just transporters; they are the lifeline that connects the city to the skies and seas, making the impossible seem routine.

House Medani: The Discerning Eyes in the Shadows

Origins and Lineage: House Medani, predominantly a house of half-elves, originates from the intertwined bloodlines of elves and humans. They carry a long history of attentiveness, discernment, and watchfulness, characteristics amplified by the mysterious Mark of Detection that some members of the house manifest.

The Mark of Detection: This distinct dragonmark graces its bearers with heightened senses and a perceptive intuition. Those with the Mark of Detection can discern threats and deceit with uncanny precision. They can sense magical auras, detect poison, and even foresee imminent threats. This mark positions House Medani as the premier house for surveillance, intelligence, and counter-intelligence operations.

Economic Impact: In a world fraught with political intrigue, espionage, and covert threats, House Medani's services are invaluable. Businesses, noble families, and even entire nations seek out their expertise in surveillance and protection against hidden dangers. Their Warning Guild, the primary business arm of the house, provides these specialized services, ensuring the safety and security of their clients.

Within the bustling metropolis of Sharn, where secrets and mysteries lurk in every corner, House Medani thrives. Their operatives ensure the safety of high-profile individuals, protect sensitive information, and often serve as consultants in the construction of secure facilities or the planning of confidential events.

Role in Sharn: House Medani's presence in Sharn is as subtle as their expertise. They don't dominate the skyline with towering edifices. Instead, they prefer nondescript establishments that blend seamlessly into the cityscape, allowing them to better observe and operate.

The house's operatives are frequently sought after by Sharn's elite, who require protection against assassination attempts, espionage, or magical threats. Medani's experts often serve as bodyguards, personal detectives, or even as magical security consultants, ensuring the wards and barriers of Sharn's influential figures are impenetrable.

Additionally, the house also provides services in verifying the authenticity of magical artifacts, a booming trade in a city teeming with magic and history.

Philosophy and Values: House Medani prides itself on its neutrality. While they serve a plethora of clients, they maintain a strict code of discretion and honor. This neutrality and their unwavering dedication to the safety and well-being of their clients have earned them respect and trust across the Five Nations.

House members are trained from a young age not only in the arts of detection and surveillance but also in ethics, ensuring that they wield their unique abilities responsibly. This rigorous training, combined with their natural talents, makes them unparalleled in their field.

Conclusion: House Medani, while not as visibly prominent as some other dragonmarked houses, holds a place of quiet significance in the tapestry of Eberron. Their dedication to detection, protection, and neutrality ensures that they remain an essential pillar in the ever-shifting landscape of Sharn's politics, business, and daily life. In a city where threats can come from any corner, the watchful eyes of House Medani offer a beacon of security and trustworthiness.

House Orien: The Veins of Commerce and Connection

Origins and Lineage: Born primarily among the human lineage, House Orien is often likened to the pulse of civilization in Khorvaire. Their history is one of movement, connection, and the bridging of vast distances. With the Mark of Passage gracing its members, House Orien has transformed the way societies interact, trade, and progress.

The Mark of Passage: The dragonmark that members of House Orien carry, the Mark of Passage, bestows abilities connected with travel and transportation. Manifesting in various forms, this mark allows its bearers to speed up their pace, teleport short distances, and even create portals to distant places under its most potent forms. With this power at their disposal, House Orien revolutionized trade, communication, and transportation across the continent.

Economic Impact: House Orien sits at the nexus of Khorvaire's economic machine. By establishing the Lightning Rail and controlling major trade routes with their caravan services, they have accelerated the speed of commerce in the land. Sharn, being a focal point of trade and cultural amalgamation, hugely benefits from House Orien's innovations.

In Sharn, the towering spires connected by skybridges see the quick-footed couriers of House Orien ensuring timely deliveries. Goods from distant lands arrive promptly due to the vast transportation network managed by the house, feeding the insatiable appetite of Sharn's diverse populace and businesses.

Role in Sharn: In the vertical sprawl of Sharn, speed and efficiency in movement are invaluable. House Orien's couriers, known for their punctuality and reliability, are a common sight. They dart through the city, making deliveries and transporting goods, ensuring the lifeblood of the city—its commerce—never stagnates.

Beyond couriers, the house also oversees major transportation hubs within the city, managing terminals for the Lightning Rail and coordinating vast caravan networks that come and go. This puts House Orien at the intersection of trade, making them a powerful and influential entity in the city's economic landscape.

Philosophy and Values: Connection is at the core of House Orien's ethos. They believe in bridging distances, be it between places or people. This philosophy drives their continuous endeavor to innovate in transportation and make the world smaller, more accessible.

Members of the house often speak of the "Path", a metaphorical and literal reference to their role as connectors. They take immense pride in their responsibility, understanding that economies, societies, and even personal stories rely on their ability to move and connect.

Conclusion: House Orien, with their dragonmarked abilities and their profound impact on transportation and commerce, stands as a testament to the transformative power of connection. In a city like Sharn, where every tier and tower is a universe in itself, House Orien ensures coherence, continuity, and cohesion. Through their intricate network of rails, routes, and runners, they not only move goods but also dreams, aspirations, and the very pulse of the city's heart.

House Phiarlan & House Thuranni: The Duet of Dreams and Shadows

Origins and Lineage: Elven in lineage, both Houses Phiarlan and Thuranni trace their roots deep into the enigmatic pasts of the Elven nations. Historically one, the houses split after a bitter internal feud, but both still bear the Mark of Shadow, granting them powers associated with illusion, entertainment, and espionage.

The Mark of Shadow: The dragonmark borne by these houses, the Mark of Shadow, is a symbol of illusion and secrecy. This mark bestows its bearers with capabilities that range from simple light manipulation to creating intricate, life-like illusions. These abilities are not only key to their entertainment ventures but also form the backbone of their clandestine operations.

Economic Impact: Both houses have significantly influenced arts, culture, and entertainment across Khorvaire. Sharn, being a melting pot of races and cultures, has a voracious appetite for the performing arts, and these houses are at the forefront of satiating this demand.

House Phiarlan:

  • Entertainment Empire: From theaters to music halls, House Phiarlan's establishments are ubiquitous in Sharn. Their troupes include some of the most talented performers who, enhanced by the Mark of Shadow, can provide an unparalleled entertainment experience. Their performances range from dramatic theater to enchanting musical numbers, all elevated by the subtle use of illusion magic.
  • Espionage Activities: Behind the glitz and glamour lies the house's shadowy side. The same talents that make their performances legendary also make them adept spies and information brokers. In the alleys of Sharn, it's often whispered that if you want information without being noticed, a Phiarlan elf is who you seek.

House Thuranni:

  • Art and Assassination: While House Thuranni also indulges in entertainment, it's known for a darker art—assassination. Using their illusory skills, Thuranni assassins can approach their targets unseen, making them some of the most feared killers in Eberron.
  • Rivalry with Phiarlan: The division between Phiarlan and Thuranni wasn't amicable. The split, rooted in betrayal, has resulted in a tense relationship between the two houses. While open hostilities are rare, their covert operations often pit them against each other, especially in a city like Sharn, with its myriad secrets and intrigues.

Role in Sharn: Both houses are instrumental in Sharn's cultural scene. House Phiarlan's establishments are cornerstones of entertainment districts, drawing crowds with spectacular shows. Their spies, moving invisibly, gather secrets from the city's elite, shaping the undercurrents of its politics and power games.

House Thuranni, while less overtly present in Sharn's entertainment landscape, casts a longer, darker shadow. Their assassins, available to those who can pay their steep price, influence Sharn's power dynamics silently but decisively.

Conclusion: Houses Phiarlan and Thuranni are the dual faces of Eberron's entertainment industry: one bathed in spotlight, the other hidden in shadows. They embody the duality of art—its ability to enchant and deceive. In Sharn, they play pivotal roles, not just on its stages but also in the unseen theaters of power, politics, and subterfuge.

House Sivis: The Gnomes of Words and Wonders

Origins and Background: Hailing from the curious and innovative gnome civilization of Zilargo, House Sivis is the embodiment of communication and record-keeping in the world of Eberron. Possessing the Mark of Scribing, members of this house have cemented their roles as the primary communicators, notaries, and mediators across Khorvaire.

The Mark of Scribing: This dragonmark grants its bearers an enhanced ability to communicate, both in written and spoken forms. Its powers range from the ability to transcribe conversations accurately, to creating arcane marks that can send messages across vast distances instantaneously. The Mark of Scribing is not only pivotal for their notarial tasks but also for their position as premier communicators in a vast, interconnected continent.

Economic and Social Role:

  • Speakers Guild: House Sivis operates the renowned Speakers Guild, a key establishment in the realm of communication. Through the guild, members offer services such as instantaneous messaging across cities, interpretation, and translation of myriad languages and dialects. For many in Khorvaire, particularly in a cosmopolitan setting like Sharn, a Sivis message station is the first port of call for distant communication.
  • Notary and Record Keeping: Their skills also extend to maintaining and certifying important documents. From business contracts to personal letters of significance, if it needs an official seal in Sharn, it likely has a Sivis mark on it. Their meticulous nature ensures that records are kept diligently and are easily retrievable, making them indispensable in bureaucratic processes.

Presence in Sharn: Given Sharn's status as a major hub of commerce, politics, and diverse populations, House Sivis has a pronounced presence here. Several of their establishments are dotted across the city, catering to various needs:

  • Message Stations: These are particularly busy, facilitating communication between the towering levels of Sharn and to places beyond its borders.
  • Translation and Interpretation Services: Given Sharn's diversity, there's a constant demand for translation and interpretation, especially in trade districts and diplomatic quarters.
  • Legal Documentation: In a city governed by laws and intricate bureaucracies, House Sivis ensures that all formal documents meet the highest standards of clarity and authenticity.

Innovation through Magic: Being in a magic-rich environment like Eberron, House Sivis has continually evolved its services. They've integrated their innate magical abilities with the latest arcane research to develop devices like sending stones and other communication-focused tools, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the communication revolution.

Conclusion: House Sivis, with its intricate web of communicative services, ensures that the pulse of information never stops in Eberron. In Sharn, they stand as a testament to the importance of clear communication amidst the cacophony of a bustling city. Whether it's a merchant sealing a trade deal, a lover sending a message across the city, or a diplomat finalizing a treaty, all rely on the gnomes of House Sivis to make their words matter.

House Tharashk: The Finders of Fortune

Origins and Background: House Tharashk, bearing the distinct Mark of Finding, originates from the merging of human and half-orc bloodlines in the Shadow Marches. This unique lineage grants them not just physical resilience but also an unparalleled knack for locating both objects and individuals. They are the unparalleled trackers, detectives, and prospectors of Khorvaire.

The Mark of Finding: This powerful dragonmark endows its bearers with an exceptional capability to locate objects, creatures, or individuals, no matter how hidden or distant they might be. From rare dragonshards buried deep in the earth to a fugitive on the run, nothing remains concealed from the trained gaze of a Tharashk finder.

Economic and Social Role:

  • Dragonshard Mining: A significant aspect of House Tharashk's economic power stems from their expertise in prospecting and mining dragonshards, especially the elusive and valuable Eberron and Khyber shards. Given the immense magical significance of these shards in everyday life and artifice, their role in this industry is of paramount importance.
  • Finder's Guild: The house operates the renowned Finder's Guild, which offers services ranging from locating valuable materials to tracking down individuals. Need a rare herb for a potion? Want to locate a long-lost relative? Or perhaps you need to find a thief who's eluded the city watch? House Tharashk is the go-to for all such needs.

Presence in Sharn: With Sharn being the melting pot of commerce, intrigue, and diversity, House Tharashk's services are in high demand. Their operations in the city are multifaceted:

  • Dragonshard Trade: They manage trading posts and auction houses where raw and refined dragonshards are sold, serving as a hub for artificers, mages, and wealthy patrons.
  • Detective and Tracking Services: Given the labyrinthine nature of Sharn with its layers upon layers of neighborhoods, the ability to find someone or something becomes invaluable. House Tharashk's members are often seen working closely with Sharn's City Watch or wealthy patrons to track down criminals, lost items, or people.
  • Consultation on Excavations: Their expertise isn't just confined to dragonshards. Any time there's a major construction or excavation in the city, House Tharashk consultants are sought to ensure the stability of the terrain and the potential discovery of valuable materials.

Cultural Integration: While the house's origins lie in the Shadow Marches, they have seamlessly integrated into urban life, especially in Sharn. However, they proudly retain their half-orc heritage and traditions, making them a unique blend of Marcher resilience and cosmopolitan sophistication.

Conclusion: House Tharashk's ability to find the unfoundable makes them an irreplaceable pillar in the bustling ecosystems of cities like Sharn. As the urban sprawl reaches deeper into the earth and stretches further into the sky, the services of these remarkable finders will only grow in demand, ensuring their continued relevance and importance in the ever-evolving tapestry of Khorvaire.

House Vadalis: Masters of the Menagerie

Origins and Background: Rooted deeply in the Eldeen Reaches, House Vadalis carries the Mark of Handling. Unlike many of the dragonmarked houses which might be more commonly associated with urban centers and sprawling cities, House Vadalis thrives amidst the wilds. The house has its foundations in the close relationship between human families who bore the dragonmark and the untamed beauty of nature.

The Mark of Handling: This significant dragonmark grants its bearers enhanced abilities to calm, control, and train beasts, allowing them to harness the power of the animal kingdom in ways few could even dream of. Advanced manifestations of the Mark can even boost the abilities of creatures, making them stronger, faster, or more resilient.

Economic and Social Role:

  • Magical Breeding: House Vadalis isn't just any regular breeder. Through a blend of their innate abilities and advanced arcane techniques, they're known for breeding animals with unique capabilities. From horses that can run faster and longer to hounds with an enhanced sense of smell, their creations are a blend of nature and magic.
  • Exotic Pets and Beasts: In the diverse and demanding markets of Khorvaire, there's a niche for everything. House Vadalis fills the demand for exotic pets, beasts of burden, and more. Their animals are not just high-quality; they're tailored to specific needs, be it for luxury, utility, or protection.
  • Animal Training and Consultation: Their expertise doesn't end at breeding. House Vadalis is also renowned for training services, turning even the most unruly beast into a loyal companion or a reliable worker. They're frequently consulted in matters of animal husbandry, training, and care.

Presence in Sharn: Despite its inherent connection to the wilds, House Vadalis has made a significant mark in urban settings like Sharn:

  • Stables and Menageries: House Vadalis stables are renowned across Sharn. Those who wish to purchase a mount of unmatched quality or seek an exotic pet know exactly where to go.
  • Animal Exhibitions: Periodic showcases of exotic and magical animals, often organized by House Vadalis, are popular events in Sharn, drawing crowds eager to witness the marvels of the natural world combined with arcane prowess.
  • Animal-Related Services: From pest control using trained creatures to offering unique security solutions through guardian beasts, House Vadalis has woven its services into the very fabric of Sharn's daily life.

Cultural Significance: House Vadalis stands as a testament to the symbiotic relationship between civilization and nature. They embody the belief that nature, when respected and understood, can be a partner and not just a resource. Their ethos resonates with druidic circles, rangers, and all those who appreciate the delicate balance of the world.

Conclusion: In a world increasingly dominated by arcane might and technological progress, House Vadalis reminds Khorvaire of the enduring power and wonder of the natural world. By blending their unique gifts with a respect for all living creatures, they've carved a niche that is both profitable and, in many ways, profoundly spiritual. As the sprawling towers of Sharn cast their long shadows, within them, the heartbeats of Vadalis-bred creatures remind the city of the wild beauty that exists beyond its walls.


Sharn, the City of Towers, stands not just as an architectural marvel but as a living testament to the power and influence of the dragonmarked houses. These houses, each distinct in its ethos, have seamlessly woven their presence into the very tapestry of Sharn's existence. From the towering spires to the bustling marketplaces and the quiet corners of the city, their influence is palpable, shaping the city's trajectory in myriad ways.

Economically, the dragonmarked houses have positioned Sharn as a hub of commerce, innovation, and prosperity. House Cannith's artificers and inventors push the boundaries of magical technology, while House Kundarak's banking systems ensure the flow of gold and commerce. The reliable transportation from House Orien, combined with House Lyrandar's elemental airships, makes Sharn a nexus of trade routes. At the same time, the entertainment provided by Houses Phiarlan and Thuranni fills the city with art, music, and culture, turning it into a cauldron of diverse experiences.

Culturally, the houses have sculpted the city's identity. They've introduced traditions, festivals, and a standard of excellence that resonates through every tier of Sharn. Houses Ghallanda and Jorasco, with their inns and healing services, ensure that both residents and visitors find comfort and care within the city's walls. Meanwhile, Houses Medani and Deneith, as watchers and protectors, provide an undercurrent of safety, even amidst the city's inherent chaos.

Yet, the relationship between Sharn and the dragonmarked houses is symbiotic. While the houses have shaped the city, Sharn's diverse populace and its ever-evolving challenges have, in turn, influenced these dynasties. The city provides them with a vast canvas to showcase their prowess, experiment with new ventures, and grow their legacies.

The dragonmarked houses are more than just powerful entities in Sharn; they are its lifeblood. They uphold the city's reputation as a place where magic, commerce, and culture converge. In the dance between tradition and innovation, between nature and artifice, the dragonmarked houses ensure that Sharn remains a beacon of possibility in the world of Eberron. Their marks may be etched on their skin, but their true imprint lies in the heart and soul of the City of Towers.

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