CKAD studying - application deployment


  • deployment - Kubernetes object that defines a desired state for a set of replica Pods using a Pod template

    • Kubernetes actively maintains that desired state by creating/deleting/replacing those Pods
    • Pod template provides the Pod configuration that the Deployment will use to create new Pods
  • replicas field sets the number of replicas - this value can be changed to scale up or down

sample Pod template, more reading ->

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
    app: nginx
  replicas: 3
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.14.2
        - containerPort: 80

^ run with kubectl apply -f <file_name>

to scale, use kubectl scale

kubectl scale --replicas=3 rs/foo                                 # Scale a replicaset named 'foo' to 3
kubectl scale --replicas=3 -f foo.yaml                            # Scale a resource specified in "foo.yaml" to 3
kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/mysql                       # Scale deployment/mysql (Deployment named mysql) to 3
kubectl scale --current-replicas=2 --replicas=3 deployment/mysql  # If the deployment named mysql's current size is 2, scale mysql to 3
kubectl scale --replicas=5 rc/foo rc/bar rc/baz                   # Scale multiple replication controllers

can also scale by using kubectl edit to edit the deployment

Rolling Updates

  • Rolling updates allow Deployments' update to take place with zero downtime by incrementally updating old Pod instances with new ones


  • rollout triggered if and only if the Deployment's Pod template is changed, e.g. if the labels or container images of the template are updated

    • Other updates, such as scaling the Deployment, do not trigger a rollout
    • trigger with kubectl set image to change the image version/tag
    • trigger with kubectl edit to edit the deployment
    • check status with kubectl rollout status
    • roll back an update with kubectl rollout undo

Deployment Strategies

  • deployment strategy - method of rolling out new code
  • uses 2 identical production environments; new code is rolled out to the 2nd environment (green) and validated before redirecting traffic to the 2nd environment from the 1st (blue)

  • blue - active environment; green - new environment

  • you can use multiple Deployments to set up blue/green environments

    • use labels and selectors on Services to direct user traffic to different Pods


  • Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes applications; it allows easy installation of software in your cluster
  • Helm commands ->
Helm Charts
  • Helm software package, contains all the Kubernetes resource definitions needed to get applications up and running in the cluster
  • install Charts with helm install
  • uninstall Charts with helm uninstall
Helm Repository
  • collection of available Charts
  • add repositories with helm repo add
  • update your repositories after adding one with helm repo update
  • list all packages in a repository with helm search repo

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